Thu 9 Jan, 2014 01:12 pm
The hamster showed up to tell me to read my mail. I read the mail, returned to the forum but the hamster won't go away. It's not a new msg, it's the same one I've read 7 times. Why won't it stop?
You probably just could clear out your browser's cache. It's likely a simple browser issue.
If you don't click on the message it will go as unread.
it's possible you still have an older unread PM in your inbox...
if not, go to your inbox.
click the
Inbox (1) tab.
that should clear the reminder...
EB has the right answer. You have to actually go read the message, or at least open it, before it clears.
Sometimes (at least for me) even after I have opened the message and read it...the hamster keeps showing up...until I exit the forum and return.
Not sure if this happens to everyone...but it happened to me just today...with the riddle message I got.
@Frank Apisa,
It has alway meant for me that I had read one pm and somehow skipped an earlier one.
Yup - same thing for me. Usually means I've missed an older/lower p.m.
I've clicked on and read the PM, it didn't really go away but a new one was there so I clicked on and read the PM. I've shut down the iPad, maybe I should view it on the desk top. Went thru the mail, found nothing I haven't seen before. I think the hamster is stalking me!
Look for ones with content short enough to be read from the list of PMS in the inbox. Click on each of them to open the message form. If that isn't done, the software has no way of knowing you've seen the pm.
I'm betting it is one of those short one-liners that was never opened, just read from the list.