Fri 27 Dec, 2013 11:47 am
I have been providing daycare for well over 6 months for a little boy. My kids are ages 2 and 4. The boy I watch is almost 2.5 and only recently, for the last 2 weeks constantly hits and pushes my kids over toys, space, etc. I am trying time outs, redirection, positive reinforcement, using his words, separation, ..nothing is working. It is exhausting. I need the income though. Parents say this is not a problem elsewhere, but he does not spend as much time anywhere else. He is with me 30 hrs week. Help! I do not want to dismiss him or give up on the situation. I am hoping he grows out of it when he becomes more verbal, however, it may be months.
I guess that's why they call it the terrible twos.
Watching two 2 year olds and a 4 year old is quite a job.
His actions are not inappropriate for his age. They do a lot of parallel play - then grab what the other fella has. You sound like you are doing all the correct things about his behavior.
What is he like alone with you? Does he hit and push you?
Try to spend one on one with EACH of the children if you can. He may be overwhelmed with excitement with the other two around all day.
He is fine with me..nothing out of the ordinary when he doesn't get his way. He is also an only child.
That may explain why he gets overwhelmed when there are other children around.