@Romeo Fabulini,
Blame the devil? you may not belong to a church, but you have garnished a lot of their stupid answers.
Think it through. Your god creates the heavens and some angels, then decides that he needs somewhere to make his subjects suffer. so he makes the earth, makes humans, which are apparently angels in training, never mind the fact that your god didn't need angels to suffer life as a human before he built the earth, nor will he after your armageddon, not content with allowing man to prove himself amongst man, he sends the devil to really torment them, make sure they really suffer. You don't blame the devil for doing the work he was sent or indeed allowed to do, because your god allowed him to live on for as long as he has knowing he would and has been doing it. If he wasn't sent by your god then he has stood by and allowed everything.
Everything that happens in this earth was set up by your god.
You cannot get away from the fact that in your twisted story this is your gods plan?!
What's more the requirements of your god are so academic and lightweight that your heaven is going to be full of a lot of crap. If there is only one stupid test as you claim, what THE HELL is the point of all the suffering.
IT MAKES NO SENSE. you're taking a thousand piece puzzle, jamming the pieces together as hard as you can to make them fit, you're copying the same crap religions piece together everywhere, making a few alterations to suit you. I'm sorry Mick, but I highly doubt your picture is what was on the box.