Mon 23 Dec, 2002 09:59 am
Assuming your home country is your favorite (???), what is your second favorite country? To live in? To dream about?
i would have picked Great Britain were it not for the food and the weather.
Canada (it's like the US, in some ways, but without all the attitude)
I'm going to list the totals and then refresh them later.
My second favourite country is New York City - as long as I had lots of money......
Maybe Italy. Perhaps australia. If I'd been to more countries I'd have an even harder time choosing.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (well, I was born there and lived the first 27 years of my life except 4 years spent in Afghanistan in framework of the military service).
The UK or France ... which would be either the Channel islands or Britany.
I must say England (emphasis on must if I want the missus to continue feeding me.)
Also Spain and Portugal.
Would love to see Austria, Ireland and walkabout in Australia.
But on most days, I'd really like to be in Timbuctoo, wherever the heck that is.
Favourite places I've been to: Italy (beautiful Florence!), Holland (marvellous Amsterdam!) the UK (London - in warm weather only!), Indonesia ...
Favourite dream visits, for the future, maybe?: US - (NYC, San Francisco, New Orleans, Boston, etc.), France (Paris) & just about anywhere in Sth America
One of my favorite destinations in this whole world is the UK, and I've visited about six times. On one visit, I stayed for one month. The biggest problem of "second favorite country" is the fact that I like all the countries I have visited, because they all offered something different. All countries have their own personalities, architecture, culture, religion, sights and sounds, landscapes, foods, monuments, and people. What is there not to like? It's always an adventure. c.i.
Monaco ... I've never been there but I want to go, someday! It's on my list of things to do.
Misti, When you go to Monaco, here's a starter list for your "not to miss" places. 1. The palace, 2. Princess Grace's tomb behind Notre Dame Cathedral, 3. Jaque Cousto's museum, 4. the casino on the waterfront (nothing really special, but many VIP's have left their money there), and 4. the restaurants on the left side of that gambling joint as you're facing it. c.i.
Thanks c.i. for the tips! When I win the lotto I'll let you know so that I can get my list together and make the most of it.
That country is magic to me!
Misti, You realize, ofcoarse, that waiting to win the lottery to take that trip will mean you'll never do it! That's a shame, because we only live once, and travel is not a luxury, but part of living a full life. I know I spend a small fortune to travel around the world two or three times every year. I told a good friend that I'd have to forego buying a new car because of my travels, and she repremanded me that travel has more value than a new car. A MBZ?
