I hope with all that I have to hope with, that he'll get jail time. And I'll never admit he's even a decent player.
And your little dream
And I'll never admit that Jason Williams doesn't suck.
So there!

, I'm sure you'd rather have J-Will running the point than Penny "Don't you remember me?, You know I was good in the 90's" Hardaway.
Say goodbye to Houston. That's gotta suck. They had that game too.
so far no upsets in the first round.
wolves should wrap it up tonight.
heat-hornets is a toss up of 2 evenly-matched mediocre eastern teams...
Its great to see your home team or a team you really like win it all. But let's not forget priority #1:
Seeing suck-ass, national-band-wagon teams you hate like the Yankees and Lakers go down!!! Ah, real sporting satisfaction!
Blah, blah, blah - $$$
Blah, blah, blah, blah - $$$
Seeing Bryant and Fisher crying again - $ Priceless $
I agree with everything you just said, except that part about the Yankees. Please, let's just stick to basketball and our common hatred for the Lakers, so I don't have to kick your ass. :wink:
So far my picks have been pretty damn good. I should have put some money on those. All I missed so far was how many games the Lakers and the Pistons series would go. Damn I'm good!
Are you ready for the Spurs to stomp the Lakers?!!!
I've missed 2 picks so far...How was I to know that Dirk would be the only Mav that wanted to win?

And how was I to know that the Refs would F the Rockets out of a few games?
Quote:How was I to know that Dirk would be the only Mav that wanted to win?
Have you been watching basketball for the past three years?
Quote:And how was I to know that the Refs would F the Rockets out of a few games?
See above.
The Rockets don't need any help screwing themselves out of games.
I didn't make it to this site in time, but the only one I've missed so far (not including # of games).........you'll never believe it............
.........Knicks over the Nets! (Why the hell did I do that???)
Well, from here out:
Heat - 7
Spurs - 6
Wolves - 7
Pacers - 5
Pistons - 6
Spurs - 7
Pacers - 7
Spurs - 6
I'm thinking Spurs too now. I am still hoping for Sacramento, but I don't know . . . C-Webb is only hurting them right now.
Dallas was a terrible matchup for both Webber and Vlade. Granted, KG is a nightmare, too, but at least the rotation of big guys should be able to accomplish something against the platoon of Johnson and Olowakandi. The way Bibby and Christie have been fired up, their matchups with Cassell and Sprewell should be entertaining. And Peeler probably has a grudge against Minnesota, so that might be useful. Too bad Bobby Jackson's out.
I am hoping Duncan and the Spurs abuse the mail-order Lakers. Should be a good watch, at any rate.
No picks, though. I have no clue how things are going to shake out, which is great. And I wouldn't underestimate Detroit's and Indiana's chances, either. Indy plays stingy defense and Miller can still deliver huge plays. And Detroit suddenly has a third offensive threat and still plays stingy D. Can you imagine driving past one Wallace just to run into the other? Brutal. And it gives Billups and Prince a lot of leeway to gamble on the perimeter.
Yeah, I think this next round is going to be great. Both series in the west should be incredible, and I remember Tashawn (I can't spell his name--why do these guys have to have such f*cked up names?) Prince from last year in the playoffs. I love watching that kid play. He is definitely a big-time player in the playoffs. Should be a great couple weeks.
Walker needs to leave....
Kobe kicked that goddamn ball when he made that steal.
I thought Walker started to find a niche toward the end of the year, once he resigned himsel to more of a penetrate-dish-rebound mentality. But that's not a team they've got in Dallas, it's a collection of players, and it will be interesting to see if they try to fine-tune it or overhaul it in the off-season. I'm not sure if they'll want to keep paying for both Nash and Nowitzki. Personally, I'd like to see Nash end up in Seattle. It's close to his home town, they're dying for a basketball hero (Payton was too surly, Allen is too boring, and Lewis is no one to build a team around). I think it'd be a great fit -- have Lewis filling the lane on a Nash-led break and Radmanovic trailing. Not a title team, but entertaining.
12-12 in the first...what a great few weeks this is going to be: Fellow Texans kickin' Lakers @55, Cinco de Mayo, monster Mother's Day BBQ next week, all capped-off with a Bryant-Fisher CRYBABY SESSION!!!!
Wow. They actually called a travel on Kobe. Incredible.
F|_|CKIN 'AYE, PARKER!!!!!!!!!