So is the show popular in Ireland?
Re: Father Ted. Any U.S. fans yet ?
I heard recently that the Two Ronnies have signed to do another series. They're both in their seventies now. I can't wait to see it. That show was a classic. Apparently at their peak they averaged over 18 million viewers per episode.
Feck in Ireland
Feck is, and has been for years, a common word in Ireland. I moved there in the mid-80s, and it was certainly common then - though more in the south than the north.
I actually heard a priest use the word from the pulpit during mass. That was in a north Dublin suburb in about 1986. The word sounds so very like, well... you know what it sounds like! But it can be used a much much wider set of social groups and circumstances without causing gross offence, as you would if you used that word.
It certainly wasn't made up for Father Ted.
is minic gall maith
That's really interesting....I didn't think it was made sounds too right....
Re: Feck in Ireland
Rory2005 wrote:Feck is, and has been for years, a common word in Ireland. I moved there in the mid-80s, and it was certainly common then - though more in the south than the north.
I actually heard a priest use the word from the pulpit during mass. That was in a north Dublin suburb in about 1986. The word sounds so very like, well... you know what it sounds like! But it can be used a much much wider set of social groups and circumstances without causing gross offence, as you would if you used that word.
It certainly wasn't made up for Father Ted.
is minic gall maith
Were you by chance on Craggy Island when you heard the mass? Was the word feck, followed by the words drink, girls, and arse?
funny funny show
sad that with the death of dermott morgan (father ted) no new shows will be made
I didn't know that Dermott Morgan had died. That's very sad. All the actors did incredible jobs in creating their roles.
*Is sad that Ted is gone* How old was he when he passed away?
geez back n 98....that blows
I had no idea he was dead. And he hadn't even reached 46? Gee. That is too sad.