No. I don't have any particular skills. I have met too many people who have. There is a suspicion that the development of skills is a refuge from general incompetence.
There have always been too many interesting distractions for me to engage in practicing. In the club where I played snooker whenever anybody made a break above 30 they were accused of secretly practicing which was considered as cheating.
I consider your constant use of esoteric words drawn from technical manuals as aggressive. Rate busting. Sweating. Such swotted up expertise causes victims to try to direct conversations into limited areas in which they might be seen in the best possible light. Science is perfect for such exercises.
Evolution says we are only here for shagging. Darwin hated the "idle Earl". And he seems to have been extremely nervous about endogamy.
And Goethe said that mankind's greatest problem was being unable to sit quietly in his rooms.
Getting by is my skill. Surviving unscathed for as long as possible.