CMON LEDDY, You asserted your "DNA evidence" only after you stated that how can we how evolution of a "whale" dfrom only a fossil ear"
You cannot escape your obtuse comment no matter how you try to insult me. I can take it since Ive been in real knucklebanger techy arguments with people who KNOW of wht they are speaking. Not lik you and oralloy (who also believes he knows more than he really does)
I love it though, In the recent past youve both provided me with "post ups" for bulletin bord laughs in the lab.
Your assertion that whales cannot be shown any evolutionary connection to a hoofed beings (Of the Paleocene),---Oligocene
ambulocetus and pakecetus) whose only connectivity (accoring to you) was an "ear bone". You stated something like "DNA evidence is all you were willing to accept and theres none that showed such evolutionary patterns.
THATS RIGHT, but not for the reason you assert (That no connection existed), but for the fact that theres no DNA evidence AT ALL from early Paleocene , Eocene --all the way to the Pleistocene. SO your entire assertion is disingenuous neh?