because ID takes a viw upon lifes origins is wonerful and Im sure is being used as a comparative base of understanding. But thats still a big so what??
You always draw the origin of life into Darwin hen you know damned well what Darwin thwory is based upon and the three points of his theory. (non of which includes lifes origins <even he says so in his remarkable little book).
I think we all love to follow the research into the origins of life, I from a participatory craft and you as a spectator who only has one pov, ("that life's too complex to have arisen naturally").
Ive said a number of times that science, (if it could even figure out how to investigate ID) would love to because fame and fortune await those who do the discoveries most times. Since you acclaim your own expertise, where would you begin such an investigation to acquire evidence?? I must say that , with your added disclaimers about what ID actually does.(and these are statements from your past posts=
1The IDer has purposely laid out the path of lifes development so as to "fool" us into thinking that its all natural" REALLY?? the evidence for that has gotta be something Ive missed seeing
2Chemical linkages are "front loaded" by the IDer (paraphrased as to mean that which I originally stated that chemical linkages are relatively few and systematically the same time and time again and occur as a response to environmental and chemical conditions of "earths great lab"
3 Youve been beating something like molecular structure of the chemicals that contain life are actully algorithms that(apparently) "DIRECT" what the evolutionary outcome shall be .(When we have quite a bit of evidentiary information to see that the adaptive event actually occurs first and is not directinganything). I dont deny that the "chains of genes" do appear to have a tetradecimal presentation (so it wouldnt be called a bar code). But we see that commonly occur in the mineral kingdom through time. If Millerite and Boulangerite, and flourohydroxy apatite, and gazillions of others lay themselves out in tetradecimal and hexadecimal chains has there been a big bale of evidence to concern your mullahs about such linkages and structures being "industrially produced"
When the structure of the thermal gradient of earth, in the presence of several elements and H2O always produces moderately "evolving" chains of molecules as responses to their environments(ever since the earth began because for that we have strong evidence). Are they ID'd also?? Where does your "chain of logic" actually begin??
Youve never incorporated in your thought process how life today MAY be totally different than at its beginning. For that our evidence from the llab is becoming quite compelling (not conclusive but compelling). we may be left with several models of the kick off of life because, from the fossil record, it looks as if life had at least 4 false start ups in the first Billion years)
Where we differ is that youve already reached your conclusion without anything that approaches evidence (no matter your protestations).
You always give interesting POV's but nothing that even approaches well founded or compelling, mostly because its always based only upon incredulity, not anything logical (your above 3 running points Ive found to be "precious" , if it was coming from an 8 year old, and not someone who wishes to argue his worldview as a scientific hypothesis)