Quote:So you think that people who believe the world is less than 100 K years old, or believe that dinosaurs can be dated using C14, or that "irreducible complexity" is a fact are NOT science deniers
wow! so if you don't go along with the non-sense of the establishment you are a 'science-denier' , lol, what a title btw! hmmmm looks a bit like holocaust-- well you get my drift. The term is probaly invented by a PR machine bureau, lol
Ah well, if one does not believe the standard faity tales, told by universities, one is a denier? of what? certainly not facts! of which universities have very little.
One must be really really really very idotic, crazy and borderline schizofrenic to attend something like a university, right?
Sometimes people tell me they have one or more phd's and alsmost always I burst in an enrmous laugh and then they look at me with their stupid eyes and have no clue why I laugh. And when they ask me I tell them they have been so enormously stupid to pay for their own brainwashing. Do they 'get that'? Of course not! which proves my whole point! lol