Why do people deny evolution?

Sat 1 Feb, 2014 01:27 am
Excelent fallacy JimmyJ. Proof by majority of opinion. "Since many people agree with me, it must be true". I sincerely hope that other a2k'ers noticed that.
Sat 1 Feb, 2014 11:45 am
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
-- Anatole France
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Sat 1 Feb, 2014 12:16 pm
I don't think majority opinion has anything to do with evolution being scientific fact.
Sat 1 Feb, 2014 05:51 pm
So you won't mind recording yourself having sex with a woman for me in the future before you and I are together, before you and I meet in person?

Knowing what to expect is good to know. How else would I know how to have you enjoy it.
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Sat 1 Feb, 2014 05:54 pm
I sincerely hope that other a2k'ers noticed that.

How could anybody not notice. It's a lovely word is "many".
Sat 8 Feb, 2014 01:39 am
How could anybody not notice. It's a lovely word is "many".

0 Replies
Thu 20 Feb, 2014 12:40 am
I hate that things are the way they are Jimmy. Because. I did want you. I wanted you bad. It hurts.

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Thu 20 Feb, 2014 05:42 am
You can't have evolution without scientific facts James. It doesn't exist until science shows it does. Before science "**** happened".

You're confused due to a gross over-estimation of your own intelligence. It's very common so it's not something you need to worry about.

It will hold you back I can assure you.
Thu 20 Feb, 2014 05:52 am
We were given to understand on Newsnight that millions of sexual assaults are taking place on US university and college campuses. Some "agitprop" females said so and with the tears flowing.

It was neat how they managed to conflate sexual assault with rape.

All under-reported and not investigated it seems. Perhaps young ladies should keep clear of such zones of danger.
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Fri 21 Feb, 2014 12:18 am
You can't have evolution without scientific facts James. It doesn't exist until science shows it does. Before science "**** happened".

Science has shown it does. You're about 150 years late.

This might be because you grossly overestimate your own level of "wit" and your ability to be "clever". I don't think anyone is impressed.

This is not common, and most women cringe at the sight of people like you, but it's okay because you're old and won't be here much longer anyways.
0 Replies
Sun 27 Apr, 2014 10:58 am
Before you even try please note that this question is not to debate the validity of evolution. Regardless of whether or not you want to believe in it it's pretty much been solidified by hundreds of years of scientific research and evidence. It's basically impossible to teach Biology without it.

I DO want to hear from people who don't "believe" in it, though. I want to know what your reasoning is. The evidence pretty much speaks for itself, so why do you deny it?

The evidence speaks for itself???????????????
or is it only your conviction holding this nonsense up?

Try mathematics/ statitstic on evolution and it will fall as a house of cards!
Why is it that the clown Dawkins, never once in his books calcualtes anyting statistically? If he did he could stop writing nonsense!

Furtheremore, the whole evolution hoax started with the "Lunar Society" of which the grandfather of Darwin was a member. The Lunar Society didn't believe a word about evolution because they where deep in t he occult and they needed the evolution hoax to steer people away from their spiritual (not religious!) power. So it's all wrong from the basics, hence everything build on it is wrong. Simple as that.

and if you think you can rationaly discuss this at a university just look at the film"expelled, no intelligence allowed". you can't, as other examples from other disciplines also show.

it's all fake.

Now, go to sleep, the government will wake over you, sweet dreams.

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 11:26 am
evidence is evidence. The Creationist (dot COM) sites that make believe that C14 dating of dinosaurs proves their young ages is a fraudulent attempt at messing with a reasonable dating technique. ALL tye samples to date have been both contaminated with framboidal material. The dino fossils that started all this bullshit were not even shared with the labs as to the methodology and cleanup of the samples.
Its very very easy to introduce modern C into a sample.

The volcanic ash layers that borered these 20K dinosaurs were accurately dated (super and sub laminae). They were found to be well within the Cretaceous priod dates that we accept.

Im amazed at the "flourishing" of these supposedly "Scientific sounding" bulshit websites that actually push the lies and fraudulent methods of Creation science. Im going to have to follow the money to see where these DOT COM sites come from. They surely don't represent anything like the USGS, and Competent research Univeristy OF THE WORLD, or any energy company.

Maybe its the Ammonsons or the Koch Brothers and their minions.

You should go play with your idiot brothers. Noone here is that stupid to believe that you even know of what you speak.
Sun 27 Apr, 2014 11:32 am
You should go play with your idiot brothers. Noone here is that stupid to believe that you even know of what you speak.

Well for starters a 'beautifull' Ad Hominem, thank you for that.)
If you don't know what it is , I am referring to this:
"play with your idiot brothers"

well, you seem to be rather deep indoctrinated in the evolution ****, right?

Furthermore, it looks like a projection from where I am standing. Once I believed the evolution religion, not anymore, because, well, I have investigated a lot into looking into it, but if I look at your posting you haven't and you are just defending by reflex action your religion. I have seen it a thousand times, what else is new?

you really don't know of what you speak.

that's ok, I have no need to belittle you. If you want to belittle me because of a very different opinion, go ahead, you have my blessing. Wink

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 11:45 am
Something to ponder:

I realised, too, that the procedures used to date rocks were circular. Rocks are used to date fossils: fossils are used to date rocks. From here I began to think the unthinkable: could Darwinism be scientifically flawed?"
"I became an almost daily visitor at the Natural History Museum, looking more closely again at all the famous evidence I had been taught about: the evolution of horses, Archaeopteryx -- half-reptile, half-bird -- the peppered moth, the Galapagos finches and all the other totems of Darwinism."
"One after another they crumbled as I subjected them to even routine journalistic scrutiny. At first I thought I must be mistaken -- then I began to discover one by one the many scientists around the world who had already realised the emperor has no clothes, but who cannot speak out without jeopardising their careers and even their jobs."

Richard Milton in his book "Alternative Science"

Really, please stop this evolution nonsense, thank you!

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 01:20 pm

I realised, too, that the procedures used to date rocks were circular. Rocks are used to date fossils: fossils are used to date rocks.
That's a total pile of simplistic dog doo presented by a guy who obviously is ignorant of geochronometric methods. This Milton character has noo idea about the sciences of geology. Sedimentary rocks are dated by super and sub laminae radiometric ages (using only igneous beds), measured sections, magnetochronometry,AND in the cases of metamorphic and igneous
rocks , structural interference , radiometric ages and more local characteristics like alpha tracking .

Once a fossil species is clearly and firmly established in its age by physical science, Its age may be "correlated" with other sections that may be disconnected from the
"Type section" location. Many sedimentary Formations have multiple facies of deposition but thee are all the same Formation, so a fossil is not used to "date". That's utter bullshit. (Ive only been in the geology racket for about 35 years, so I think Ive learned something).
One thing Ive learnd is that you Creationists are able to speak out of your many orifices.

"One after another they crumbled as I subjected them to even routine journalistic scrutiny
How does that differ fom scientific scrutiny and QA?

many scientists around the world who had already realised the emperor has no clothes, but who cannot speak out without jeopardising their careers and even their jobs."
There once was a "Creationist wildcatter" named "Hayseed" Stephens. He had a hit rate on his wildcat wells that was about 20% . Actually, his biggest trick was in raising money and then NOT drilling (In oil production, once you are in a known field, the best methodology is to acquire adjoining propwrty and test drill). In virgin untapped ground the good old geology boys using stratigraphy, geophysics, paleontology and satellite mapping, have about an 85% hit rate and the fraudulent guys like HAyseed have been pretty much debunked as a bunch of ignorami. Its too bad that Hayseed has often disappeared with lots of investor money(like his famous drilling proposal to "drain the oil on the PErsian oilfields" from drill sites off the Israel con shelf)
0 Replies
Sun 27 Apr, 2014 01:21 pm
The ad hominem abounds on threads related to evolution.

That is because the subject has become intimately entangled with the seemingly felt necessity to justify behaviour which infringes the Christian and Islamic teachings on sexual matters and thus a very delicate sensitivity exists, unadmitted of course, which results in science being defined in a narrow and conveniently restricted manner and a striking loss of objective "cool". The "Paradigm Police" in action.

You should bear that in mind if you intend continuing in the debate. It really matters to some members here and they have a tendency to thrum with indignation.

Sun 27 Apr, 2014 01:31 pm
I don't GAS about what anyone has to say in defence of thir views. I present gunga with factual data almost on a daily basis, hes just a bit too dim to respond with anything substantive.

All Id like to see is that the Creationists just stop LYING about what they believe is real data when its not. Its all fraudulent stuff made to fuddle the true believers. Its sad when some newspaper reporter is claiming to be experienced in geoscience . I find that its quite common for the laity to make up "experiential credentials" and try to argue genetics, evolution, geology, etc etc.

While the amount of evidence supporting evolution just [piles up, why is it these creation guys still try to argue the same ****??

This new guy's probably got religion, just no education..
Sun 27 Apr, 2014 01:32 pm
A good example of indignation being the three-wived, I can only guess whether temporary concubines are a factor on speaking tours, Oxford evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, who so stylishly described a book by the author you mentioned, as "twaddle that betrays, on almost every page, complete and total pig-ignorance of the subject at hand".
Sun 27 Apr, 2014 01:36 pm
The ad hominem abounds on threads related to evolution.

That is because the subject has become intimately entangled with the seemingly felt necessity to justify behaviour which infringes the Christian and Islamic teachings on sexual matters and thus a very delicate sensitivity exists, unadmitted of course, which results in science being defined in a narrow and conveniently restricted manner and a striking loss of objective "cool". The "Paradigm Police" in action.

You should bear that in mind if you intend continuing in the debate. It really matters to some members here and they have a tendency to thrum with indignation.

Ohhhhhhhhh ic, you are actually saying that are dumb. Wink

Ad Hominem is just a cheap shot who has no arguments. by any.
0 Replies
Sun 27 Apr, 2014 01:37 pm
A good example of indignation being the three-wived, I can only guess whether temporary concubines are a factor on speaking tours, Oxford evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, who so stylishly described a book by the author you mentioned, as "twaddle that betrays, on almost every page, complete and total pig-ignorance of the subject at hand".

and you are saying what now?
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