Quote: Quote:
I realised, too, that the procedures used to date rocks were circular. Rocks are used to date fossils: fossils are used to date rocks.
That's a total pile of simplistic dog doo presented by a guy who obviously is ignorant of geochronometric methods. This Milton character has noo idea about the sciences of geology. Sedimentary rocks are dated by super and sub laminae radiometric ages (using only igneous beds), measured sections, magnetochronometry,AND in the cases of metamorphic and igneous
rocks , structural interference , radiometric ages and more local characteristics like alpha tracking .
Once a fossil species is clearly and firmly established in its age by physical science, Its age may be "correlated" with other sections that may be disconnected from the
"Type section" location. Many sedimentary Formations have multiple facies of deposition but thee are all the same Formation, so a fossil is not used to "date". That's utter bullshit. (Ive only been in the geology racket for about 35 years, so I think Ive learned something).
One thing Ive learnd is that you Creationists are able to speak out of your many orifices.
Quote: "One after another they crumbled as I subjected them to even routine journalistic scrutiny
How does that differ fom scientific scrutiny and QA?
Quote: many scientists around the world who had already realised the emperor has no clothes, but who cannot speak out without jeopardising their careers and even their jobs."
There once was a "Creationist wildcatter" named "Hayseed" Stephens. He had a hit rate on his wildcat wells that was about 20% . Actually, his biggest trick was in raising money and then NOT drilling (In oil production, once you are in a known field, the best methodology is to acquire adjoining propwrty and test drill). In virgin untapped ground the good old geology boys using stratigraphy, geophysics, paleontology and satellite mapping, have about an 85% hit rate and the fraudulent guys like HAyseed have been pretty much debunked as a bunch of ignorami. Its too bad that Hayseed has often disappeared with lots of investor money(like his famous drilling proposal to "drain the oil on the PErsian oilfields" from drill sites off the Israel con shelf)