Quote: No, it's Darwin's 'Evolution is very gradual' argument. So where are the transitional fossils ?
Try some of the following and youll learn grsshopper (that is, if you can reopen your otherwise snapped shut mind). Every time Ive suggested reading material youve snubbed it implying that your minds made up. Thats hardly scientific.
"Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology" roughly 26 vols AND its on the web for those who work in the field
www.vertpaleo.org The website of the Society of vertebrate paleontology
benton, m. j.
introduction to paleontology and the fossil recordWiley-Blackwell,2009.
Evolution, what the fossils say and why it mattersColumbia Press,NY 2007
There are tons more , mostly individual papers that provide evidence of the dendritic line of evolution and such things as "punctuated Equilibrium" (which, no matter how you view it, DOES display many transitional fossils. If there were no transitional fossils, then there would be a new qnd sepqrte "creation" of a species that lived in a next chronostratigraphic era.
While I cannot argue 100% against such an occurrence, it just does not appear scientifically logical to kill off a species, make a few minor changes, and then "Reinvent the species"> Anything else that occurs is actually evolution.
Evolution of animals and plants is something like development of car models where, in the aspect of cars, we see that time reveals new marketing and technology opportunities and popularity trends change with "amrketing time".
Ive always wanted to do a paper comparing the two (Made especially for deniers)