When someone truly is "Seeking knowledge" they dont come through with bullshit unshakeable positions that are "mined" and presented as if to deny actual fact.
When I taught, I had a few "unshakeable" IDers (probably 3 over the years-but each of them leaves a fetid taste of defiant ignorance).
Having students actually "Do the work" lets one know where they are coming from and where they seek to go. Theres really NEVER a position of critical thinking to better understand, instead they (and you) are invested in denial of clear evidence and have stated many times that "You dont want to hear anything smacking of science"
I know several "Creationist geoologists and paleontologists" who attempt to mainstream their silly beliefs. They are all a bunch of lying shitheads who ignore their graduate level learning (LIke a geochemist who, when seeking to underpin Creationism, has to forget the rules of methylation and polypeptide linking. They try to argue that all things in the Archeozoic were only " gooey worms" even though they had chitinous tests, some had aragonite shells and some had jointed legs (and two even had proto notochords) .
Im amazed at how these guys will attend graduate schools under stealth acceptance essays and later, after earning a PhD, will suddenly renounce what theyve learned and start preaching for the IDers. It turned out with these guys I know, theyd been Creation /IDers all their lives and just wanted to get their "ticket punched " and come out as "enlightened Creationists"
Rather than preaching love an brotherhood as part of a Christian way of life, they preach deceit , and falsehoods and are lifelong frauds .
They will print self published "technical arguments" that require another scientist to decipher and explain what their fraud was based upon.
SAD really.
Ive NEVER seen any actual evidence from the IDers /Creationists. How come?