I certainly gave you the three named species. I will, once again, present them to you in stratigraphic sequence
ICTHYOSTEGA (a real amphibian, but retaining some of the "fishopod" features--Upper Mid Devonian
Tiktaalik rosaea (A fish with advanced "amphibian" features -LOWER MID DEVONIAN
EUSTHENOPTERON----(a lobe finned fih with clearly demarcating "Advanced amphibian leaning" ventral fin bones and reducing carapace bony layers - LATE EARLY DEVONIAN (beginning of Catskill cycles with increasing embayment fetures both marine nd brackish.
I gave reference of a huuge compiltion of fossils presented by workers for over 100 years of plaeo reewrch. The book , called the "TREATIE OF INVERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY, Is over 51 VOLUMES long with cler reference to thousands of ""Transitional" fossils from structure alone.
We have genetic"fossils" that even more closely track the relationships of transitional forms and their antecedents and daughter forms.
The genetic fossils are being considered for insertion into the treatise.