To whom does he need to justify his support of the budget deal, if not grass roots conservatives who self-identify with the Tea Party?
If it his strategy was to blame the Tea Party in an insulting manner; in order to justify the deal to Tea Party members, he's a bigger jerk that I thought.
Not giving the Democrats another "government shutdown" theme to make political hay over is, politically, a good strategic move, but it doesn't require bashing the Tea Party.
I suppose it's conceivable that it was a ploy to make some voters think that the GOP is distancing itself from the so-called Tea Party influence, but if this were the case, why haven't we seen other establishment Republicans joining in?
Perhaps the plan is for this approach to develop over the time between now and the next elections, but this would be yet another stupid move by the GOP. The number of people who won't vote for any Republican candidate because of fear and loathing of the Tea Party is substanitally smaller the number of Republicans who will stay home if they perceive the GOP has embraced what they consider Rhinoism, and the number of the former who would ever consider voting for even a "Rhino" is smaller still.
If the GOP is to take back the Senate in 2014 it will need organization on the ground. Local Tea Party groups are their best resource for getting out the vote.