Yes, but he does it with such French style!
Set, you have to put it into context where he's coming from with all of this.
The French are currently seen as the sick man of Europe....the final basket case economy that's overdue a meltdown, because of the failed euro experiment.
Germany and France pushed this "one size fits all" currency, and in the process have helped push Greece, Spain, Ireland and Portugal into severe meltdown. Ireland have just about scraped themselves free of it for now, but it looks like France will pretty soon take its place.
All the while, Britain has stayed well out of the euro and many here forecast the meltdown years ago, and were haughtily scoffed at by the French in the process.
One thing the French do well is haughty arrogance, especially if they can aim it at the British.
Now, Britain has by far the best growth forecasts in the whole of the EU, and France is in serious trouble.
It is now Britain's turn to say I told you so, and Olly's nationalist pride is probably hurt, which is not surprising as it can't be pleasant.
In the meantime, the Dutch, Germans and Brits (me included) are now looking at all those nice cheap French properties, and a few thousand of us will probably settle there within a year or two, in addition to the many thousands of us that live there already.
Eymet in the Dordogne already has its own cricket team, most of the shops now cater for non French residents because their numbers are so great, and it is so common to hear English being spoken in the markets and bars, it's almost just like home.
The French pushed through a single trade market with free movement and residence, and now their chickens are coming home to roost as we buy up their land cheaply because their big euro experiment has all but ruined their economy.
No wonder Olly's a bit upset. I would be too if my country had worn economic blinkers through sheer obstinacy and pride.
Lovely countryside though, and the people are so friendly.