Are you aware that blind tests are now turning up radiocarbon dates for dinosaurs, most in the 20K - 40K range? That isn't exactly Genesis but it sure as hell cannot be squared with evolutionism.
When these guys do something, no one even asks whether they are doing it RIGHT. The lb testing for C14 done on very old (> 25000 yers) needs to account for the background beta decay from cosmic rays and K/Ar, which are in the particles of feldspars in the dinosaur fossil matrix and the petrified bones themselves.
Im guessing that these guys WILL NOT post their QA program and "cleanup" process that extracts the background C14 count from cosmic ray and radiopotassium.
C14 has never been challenged when its used properly. This is bullshit bogosity . I haven't seen any debunking of this kind of WOO WOO but I imagine if it keeps up, I will have to do a paper for Forensic SCiences. C14 lb work is not byond the capabilities of an upper class chemistry or geology student at a U that is equipped with a SHRIMP (MS)