Sun 22 Dec, 2002 07:32 pm
What would happen they asked, if 34 million Americans each gave a dollar to make up the money? So was born "34 Million Friends".
The address to send your dollar to:
US Committee for UNFPA
220 E. 42nd Street
New York, NY 10017
This is one time we can make a difference and not even strain our budget to do it.
sure great idea thanks for the info
I believe that if enough people get the message the goal will be easily met.
Mrs. Timber, The Puppies, and The Ponies are all "In for A Fin" (with a nod to ol' H. Ross's Presidential Campaign Slogan). Mrs. Timber has seen to notifying her formidable e-mail Forwarding List. Thanks for the Heads Up.
Please pardon my gruff appearance. I didn't have time to shave this morning.
I want to keep this thread on view for a while.
If the Bush administration won't do it, we the people must.
I won't let this thread go away.