Equestrianforlife7xo wrote:
I have not talked to him yet, but I will once I get myself down to the track as the prior date did not work out. I have a planned set date for next week.
Yes, high school girl, but I'm not underage so there's no unlawfulness that either of us would have to be concerned about.
You posted this early December, since you have so quickly learned from all your previous stupid self obsessed behaviour, you must realize that just because you are 18, does not mean "no unlawfulness for either of us". Employers take a dim view of men attempting to flirt with high school girls. You fixated on him not the other way around, you could cause this man to lose his job, get labeled a creep and he has done nothing wrong, just became the star of a teenage crush.
Hopefully he has already noticed you and maintains a healthy distance.
You think you have all this figured out in such a clever fashion, but if you continue this unhealthy obsessive stalker like behaviour you may bring harm to yourself or you could complicate this mans life in a very destructive way.
For someone who thinks she's so smart, you're oblivious to customary social boundaries and appear to have poor impulse control. When you're called out, you trot out ridiculous justifications, and pathetic "we all make mistakes" but you "learn from yours". Well, it sure doesn't appear you are very quick to even recognize a mistake, but you have been yammering on for 50 days. I'm not sure why any one of us continues to try to give you advice, you reject everything.
Maybe what you really want is everyone discussing your favorite topic, you!!