For decades now I've made mental note whenever a common substance seemed proven to promote longevity until now, in addition to my 5 hypertension and cholesterol meds, I take 25 nostrums of some sort or another. So about once a month I accrue 28 individual mini cups containing my prescription meds plus various quantities each such over-the-counter tab (many not available at CostCo, from Swanson)
But now I attribute my longevity at 83 and otherwise good health not only to my morning 2 cups of joe and 1-3 evening bottles of The Brew; but now, lo: l-3 accompanying cups of nuts, thank you Mr. Swanson
Anyhow the list of presumably effective nostrums continues to grow. So Swanson, why don't you field the concoction of a single pill (yea, would hafta be pretty big) containing a minimum dose of each proven O-C substance, relieving me of much that tedium each four weeks