OmSigDAVID wrote:
As a point of curiosity, will u tell us
whether u 'd find it saddening,
if u knew that your conscious life wud endure
in good health, despite your human body molting off ?
rosborne979 wrote:You've made a graceful departure from our previous track, so I'll try to follow suit.
It doesn't bother me when people express their beliefs. If you had done just that I might have tried to explore your viewpoint with you. What bothers me is when people express a belief and then try to claim that it is supported by scientific evidence (and is something more than a belief) when it actually isn't.
My interest isn't in destroying your beliefs, it's in protecting the veracity of science and protecting the deep value of what scientific evidence provides us. When people make claims about science which are indefensible they are spreading disinformation and undermining humanity's best tool for seeing the world clearly. And that's worth defending.
And to answer your question above, no, I do not find it saddening to think that conscious life might endure despite the disassociation of physical structure. Why would I? I would find it surprising given how illogical it is, but if it comes to pass I will accept the illogic and just be curious.
I am personally
satisfied by my own experiences
of conscious, excarnate life and by similar ones
that have been related to me by friends or acquaintances.
I find no need to keep them
in any effort to passively support semi-fanatical materialism.
U probably already know that one of the most important elements
in being a good scientist is keeping an
open mind; yet Einstein informed us
that the progress of science is from funeral to funeral to funeral.
Einstein complained of much historical conservatism in the Establishment of science,
un-willingness to
deviate from the Newtonian paradigm, and of the emotional investments
that he found endemic among scientists who delighted themselves in rejecting his thinking.
Logic has to do with an accurate understanding
of the relationships between facts (your premises).
If the latter are inadequate, then your logic (or "illogic" as u put it) is . . . .