If youre famliar with the genre of swimming hole paintings of the late 19th century, you know that Curtis' version i kinda take off and an homage to Thomas Eakins own "Old Swimming Hole". Eakins painting was highly discussed as a symbol of homorerotic art.
Curtis is best known for his "plein aire" scenes with good colorist values as well as some of his more Detlefson style paintings of small town life of the 1800's. I doubt that anyone has the original. many of you may have giclee prints (giclees , by their process often capture ome of the brush strokes in the printing process.(
In the decorator market, prints are only values if signed and enumerated by the artists hand. (Not "in the stone")
When artists signatures are included in the print process, its sorta like owning a poster. You shoulld try to find out where the original painting is hanging.