@Jack of Hearts,
Also, welcome to a2k, Jack of Hearts. It's a zoo here, you might get to like it.
There are different ways to navigate the site, and you'll work out your own. I like to see all the topics as they are posted, and click off (thumb down) the ones I don't want to see again, which is probably because I am not interested in the subject matter - a kind of housekeeping in case I want to look back over the threads of the last day or two to see if I missed something. If I do that, it doesn't mean I hate the poster, it's just that I don't want read about online crossword puzzles, or whatever. I tend to skip philosophy, which shows what an idiot I am, eh? (Or maybe it's them.) But I like some of the philosophy posters, so sometimes I read.
A lot of people use My Posts to navigate - I never look at that. If I want to see my own latest posts, I'll go look at my profile page, which has them in reverse order.
Then there's the tagging system, new to most of us when it started on this site in 2008. That's also a way to find subject matter - just look at the right of the New Posts page and put in what want to read about. Let's say it's pizza. Type that in the box, and you'll be inundated with threads about pizza.
Similarly but different - you can look up more vague matters by clicking on search at the top of the page, little white letters on a dark blue base. Sometimes that actually works.
Be aware that questions and discussions here live a long time and you may be answering a question from five years ago (there's a date if you look for it). That's not a bad thing, as a lot of threads could benefit from being brought up to the light again.