Mon 12 Apr, 2004 11:45 am
Ok, I'm 19 and this is my first actual job--meaning i get to fill out papers!--It's at Pizza Hut. I know alot of that first sentence is pretty lame.. like for instance being 19 and getting my FIRST job and then at PIZZA HUT. The people seemed pleasent though. I don't know I guess I'm just excited about it.. Why am i excited?? ... No clue. heh, With that i was wondering where yall all started out at?.. (i've had 'other' jobs, but none that would count as experience... just references) So, Do TEll... hehe
My first job was in quality control at a company that manufactured psychotropic drugs.
i was 20 when i got my first desk job, working with my dad in an engineering office -- doing hand drafting... that's right, nepotism at its finest
Goodness - my first part time job was working in a kitchen in a nursing home. I washed dishes, set up tables, dished out desserts, help load trays, etc. Had a number of odd jobs once I graduated high school, including several office jobs, many temporary positions during the summers while I went to college - including the most boring which was putting stickers in a sales catalog over some diagrams that were incorrect and discovered after printing the catalogs.
And congratulations! You should be excited starting out on your first job - no matter what it is!
My first job, I was 16, was as a life guard at the community pool. I think it was my third day.. as I was walking by the shallow end I saw a little kid standing on the bottom holding a toy truck. At first it didn't make an impression on me and I kept walking , twirling the issued whistle around my right index finger. Then all of a sudden I realized this kid was probably drowning. I jumped in, arms spread wide as I was taught and the rest was a blurr in time. I was told later that I held the 5 year old by the ankles, gave him a whomp on the back and with a splutter he started breathing again. Sometimes I wonder whatever became of him.
Wow, panzade, what a start into the working life!
My first job was working as a temp - I had to sit at the desk of a lady who had been sick for months. So I sat there, looking at the telephone that did not ring, not really doing anything and it was really exiting if I had to photocopy something. And of course - that was before we had computers in the office...
My first real job (after delivering papers) was as a file clerk in lower Manhattan. Boring work, but the other kids were cool--NY City kids who had jumped ahead and we already in college. I was a suburban loser still in high school. I envied those kids. Helped open my eyes at how dull my life was...
Those first pay checks are a thrill, aren't they?
My first job - after school, being drafted to the navy and before university, was as aide and fitter at a concrete firm: fitting the irons and -later- building up the parts (e.g. for a large hospital) in different parts of Germany.
I started working at 12, after school paper route and every friday night I worked the concession at the church bingo.
Man i wanted to be a temp .. i've heard a few times that its the easiest way to find a job. but our temp agency (staffing solutions) says you have to have atleast 6 mo. experience somewhere. ack, its amazing the kindof endless circles you have to break out of sometimes. Meaning: I need a car to get a car you need a keep a job u usually need a car. lol! damned circles!
hope all is well on all of your end of the puter-taffykaydee
That's odd taffy. At the temp agency I went to, I did not think that they required any experience. Do not remember for sure, but I cannot imagine that they would require it according to some of the jobs I took on. I don't know if you have more than one in your area, but it may be worth checking out a few just to see what they look for.
My first job, a summer job at 16, was bagging groceries.
My first job after college was cleaning a parking garage, third shift.
I packed combs into presentation packs in a plastics factory! And I was crap at it. My hand-eye co-ordination has never been good!
Nah, Link this is a small town, we only have one of 'em. I think I'll keep this one i've got now for a while and be a waitress w/experience that way i'll always have sumfin to do if i (soz~~>) f' myself over. Then, Ill go back to saffing solutions and see if they'll find me sumthin.
Seal poet: After college??
haha margo. so you can't rub your belly or pat your head at the same time? lol
can't even tie my shoelaces!
and I've got less dextrous with age
My first job was in my 3rd year in college, working for one of my professors...
I had to write a computer program to determine the specifications of a high speed wind tunnel blades which was being built in my college
My first job was at the age of ten hand delivering supermarket flyers.
At 16 I was in the Air Force. (hated it)
At 17 I was a surveyors assistant with the local council, and a short time later an electrical apprentice at BHP. Still an electrician at the same plant which has gone through a few name changes and change of company.
At 32 I was offered a part time job playing the flute in the psych ward at the local hospital, which I unfortunatley didn't have the time to take on.