Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Sun 30 Mar, 2014 03:22 pm
Ive read "Pious religious folk" give you the easy brush off because you are such a jamoke.

That's an easy excuse. Why don't you use it more often?
Reply Sun 30 Mar, 2014 05:14 pm
I have used some version of it . Its just that you were too drunk to remember.
Reply Sun 30 Mar, 2014 05:19 pm
I haven't been drunk for at least 30 years. I was so ill the day after the last time that I have kept myself nothing but slightly merry ever since.

I take note of what my body tells me.
Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 09:49 pm
oh, then youre just getting senile. Time for the home old piece.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Apr, 2014 01:43 pm
farmerman wrote:
... in order to be sustainable, must be presented in a fashion where evidence is most robust.

I guess the keyword here is 'robust'. What about the robustness of your measurements ... without any calibrations.

farmerman wrote:
However, the ratios of D/P are very similar from Asteroidal water and oceanic water

Forget about the D/P ratio. Why don't you tell us how far have you gone with the quantity equation.

farmerman wrote:
When H2S is metabolized in the presence of CO2 (all of which are ubiquitous compounds on the early earth) it releases H2O as well as fixing S

Where is that quantity of H2S and ... appropriate temperature for this supernatural metabolism (in the presence of CO2) that will make that huge amount of water you are talking about ... and not sulfuric acid, for example.

farmerman wrote:
I believe that ... not only was oxygen freed but additional water was compounded by these new life forms.

You start believing ... this is very interesting. Some day you may become one of the most zealous believers ... as it goes.

farmerman wrote:
Another hypothesis states that REDOX reactions and differentiation of acidic rocks (such as granites or diorites also added to the water balance

What granites, what diorites - you have melted high-temperature lava and have to cool it fast enough to form water ... by taking water out of your sleeves.

farmerman wrote:
The evidence for this is pretty straightforward

You don't have any evidences. All the evidences are about time ... there isn't any single evidence about causality. Anyway.
Reply Thu 3 Apr, 2014 01:48 pm
youre just quote mining. And your spouting gibberish again. I gave you an equation for YOU to do . I don't owe you squat, (especially if you keep talking like a druggy)
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 04:08 am
I don't think there is any indication that H is talking like a druggy.

He is dealing with somebody who can't answer his question and is employing obfustication and insult to try to hide the fact.

Where does human self-consciousness come from fm? Does a guard dog know its a guard dog like you know you're a geologist?
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 07:40 am
hes fool who hasn't ever cobbled together a rational question. The only reason you comment on his babblings is that you are similarly disposed.

Anytime you make a negative comment regarding one of my recent posts is merely an assurance that Im on the right track/
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 01:47 pm
Where does all this stuff come from fm? Water is only one item.

It is perfectly rational to ask the question. Only non-human creature don't do it.

I am not similarly disposed. I don't give a **** where the water came from. Except once when some came through the ceiling. I had a slate loose.
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 02:08 pm
that's really not what hes doing. He hasn't "discussed anything of any evidence EVER. Please Pay attention to the bouncing ball
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 02:12 pm
When I was about 10 I used to visit a farm which had a chicken hatchery and sold day-old chicks nationwide. The nearest mainline railway station platform was almost never without a trolly piled high with cardboard boxes and emanating a collective cheeping.

At the time the chicks started getting out of their shells was the best time to go. The eggs had been exposed to a warming light for the necessary amount of time. Once it got started chicks popped out at a faster and faster rate until it peaked and then tailed off.

So I saw all this and there were chicks running around all over the shelves among the discarded shells. The chicken sexer sorted them out. A very rare craft I might say because speed was important with thousands of chicks with a train to catch.

Now I know it is wrong to impute human motives to lower creatures, and chickens are pretty low in the status hierarchy we have adopted, but they seemed to me, from their darting to and fro and looking this way and that rapidly and cheeping constantly that they were solely concerned with what the heck all this was and not at all with what had been.

A "Don't Look Back" type of thing but not articulated as good as Dylan has done.

You wouldn't be drilling for oil if you were not looking forward to marketing the products which can be derived from it. Some of which are important enough to make an enquiring mind wonder whether gas is a waste product which can only be disposed of in the manner it is. Make it disappear into thin air I mean. A perfect method.

I should think it might be a serious offence to bring crude oil to the surface if there were no future markets for the products.
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 03:21 pm
You realize that, with your last post, I think it was the very first time Ive actually remained and read along. Your track was lucid and words economic. Why cant you write like that always?

Im sure you will come back with some Gamma minus reference to me your immediate audience but I like more when you consider your words as a means to communication and not attempts at "finestyle" puffery . I hope Im not in the company of an infinite number of chimpanzees working on an infinite number of screens.
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 03:27 pm
You realize that, with your last post, I think it was the very first time Ive actually remained and read along. Your track was lucid and words economic. Why cant you write like that always?

I do write like that always. It is that you don't always follow.
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 03:44 pm
NO, no you don't. Ill bet many people will agree with me. You usually flit about within a paragraph and with run-on sentences.

I never said I was a good writer, Ive been told that often enough that I figure everyone else has got a point. You, when you craft a well written line, Ill let you know, for I can appreciate writing even if I cant share in its crafting.

Now, as far as Herald, he (or she) has never completed a thought without leaping to a new conclusion.
When this thread was started, he has probably stomped about 30 or 40 subjects without any attempt at resolution. His latest are merely his latest offerings of gibberish.

Usually, all he does is to clip portions of a previous post , present them in a seriate fashion AND add some "scientific sounding" garbage that maybe only once or twice actually made sense. To those Ive responded, to the others, like his last piece of quote mining, He has no clue of what he speaks and most of the people here can detect that.

Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 05:18 pm
Ill bet many people will agree with me.

That may be true but it is of no concern to me.

You usually flit about within a paragraph and with run-on sentences.

That is a matter of opinion. It is not my opinion.

when you craft a well written line, Ill let you know,

I am aware of the craft involved, in the literal sense, in what Shakespeare had stirred into the cauldron the witches brewed in Macbeth. It is a craft I have neither the intelligence nor the patience to be apprenticed to.

I know when craft is not in play as a result. When Dylan sings "My love she's like some raven/ At my window with a broken wing" Shakespeare would have known what it signifies.

How dream up "Sycorax" eh?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 05:21 pm
Did you incorporate an ox hide in your currach?

Or were you just on a "man in a boat" symbolism.

Good joke what?
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 05:47 pm
You do have a problem with concurrent thoughts that are occasions of sin.
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 10:10 pm
farmerman wrote:
He hasn't "discussed anything of any evidence EVER.

What evidences do you need, FM? You could hardly handle a request for evidences ... not to speak with the very evidences.
Take for example this one:
The water on the Earth is 332 510 000.- cu.m, of which 96% in the oceans, 2% frozen in glaciers & ice caps, 1% fresh water and 1% water vapour in the atmosphere.
According to your theory of the things the Earth has been melted lava 4.5 BN ya (on the grounds of your non-calibrated methods for measuring time).
You have a set of comets carrying water (actually comprising pieces of ice rocks) ... and no water on the Earth by that time.
- How many comets will you need to 'full' the oceans + the atmosphere of the Earth ... with O2 and H2?
What about your hydrohgen-sulfide theory?
- Where did the hydrogen sulfide come from in the first place ... and can you make clean water on the basis of H2S without having sulfuric acid in the air?
- You claim that the water has been always here (on the Earth), but you cannot tell for sure how much of it 'was here' at what time: 4000 mya, 3000 mya, 2000 mya ...
I you are looking for the guy with the missing evidences ... and the missing plausible explanations, perhaps you should take a look at the mirror ... at first?
Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:07 am
- You claim that the water has been always here (on the Earth), but you cannot tell for sure how much of it 'was here' at what time: 4000 mya, 3000 mya, 2000 mya
As I told you TWICE genius, water was here at least by 3.8 Billion Years ago. How do we know?
The fossils from these times are all left in SEDIMENTARY ROCKS THAT ARE LAID DOWN IN WATER!.(The Isua Formation of Greenland is 3.8 By old. Its a meta-sedimentary water deposited siltstone) Jeezus H CHrist why are you so damn unable to have things register. If you don't buy things , AT LEAST

them and then argue what you don't like

Ive alredy TOLD YOU how much water is on the planet. The real story is HOW much is this water as compared to the totl volume of the planet? Did you know its less than 1%. Easily accomplished by several means.

The fact that water is available
(on the grounds of your non-calibrated methods for measuring time).
(you have no ******* iea of what youre talking do you?)
WATER IS AVAILABLE for ALL the length of time for which we have fossils or evidence of life. YES VIRGINIA, e have a very robust method of calibration of time, its just that youre too damn dumb to either know or acknowledge the work of science. YOU ARE ON A RELIGIOUS MISSION.

Where did the hydrogen sulfide come from in the first place

Star dust . WHere do any of the elements come rom?
Sulfur reacts and is released within hot lavas and dissociates with many H and N containing compounds . By means of chemical processes, H2S is formed . We have evidence of all this by looking at the occurences of Sulfur bearing minerals like pyrite all over the world in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.

We sample lavas from the earths mantle and crust and the mix of elements shows a fairly consistent range of Sulfur in lavas.
Now , whenever water first occurred (and for arguments sake lets say it first occurred at 3.8BYa) Sulfur combins with water to form H2SO3 and then ulfuric acid and then precipitates as sulfate salts, which can, by bacterial action from critters then alive, be reduced into H2S and S. Its chemistry and biochemistry in action

I have feeling that you really don't understand anything Ive said and Im concerned at whether that's stubbornness or mere ignorance.
Ignorance is combatted but you've got to want to do something to combat it, LIKE READ.

Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 09:20 am
farmerman wrote:
As I told you TWICE genius, water was here at least by 3.8 Billion Years ago. How do we know?

No, I was not asking that: 'How do you know?'.
The question was how mush was the water on the Earth by that time ... 3.8 bya?

farmerman wrote:
Ive alredy TOLD YOU how much water is on the planet.

I am not asking this.
Suppose the water on the Earth is 1,385,999,652,414.- cu.km, and the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere is 5.15 x 10^18 kg x 20.946%; and the hydrogen is 5.15 x 10^18 kg x 0.000055%; the average mass of a comet is 1 to 1.1 x 10^14.
How much time will you need 'to fill' the ocean with water ... and the Earth's atmosphere with H2 and O2, by using the courier services of the comets and by taking into consideration that all the stony, stony-iron and iron meteorites falling on the Earth in-between are burning oxygen into some oxides (different from water)?

farmerman wrote:
The real story is HOW much is this water as compared to the total volume of the planet?

This is not the real story. The real story is the surface that comes in contact .... with your theory and your cross-cultural misunderstanding of the world.

farmerman wrote:
WATER IS AVAILABLE for ALL the length of time for which we have fossils or evidence of life.

This disproves automatically your theory that the water came gradually to the Earth from the falling meteorites.
This 'evidence' proves that you not only don't have the vaguest idea about the origin of water on the Earth, but also that you don't know what does that mean?

farmerman wrote:

If you blindly believe in non-verified theories what is the problem for me to believe in the non-stochastic origin of life on the Earth.

farmerman wrote:
Sulfur reacts and is released within hot lavas and dissociates with many H and N containing compounds . By means of chemical processes, H2S is formed . We have evidence of all this by looking at the occurrences of Sulfur bearing minerals like pyrite all over the world in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks.

Can you verify your theory in a lab. Take a sample of melted lava and create on 71% of its surface clean water ... from pyrites and bacteria.

farmerman wrote:
Its chemistry and biochemistry in action

... or sooner a nomination for N. price ... in literature. Whatever.

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