Simply because you have been set going by the application of various carrots and sticks to drill holes in the earth and find things useful for our self-indulgences does not mean that you are especially enlightened fm. It means you are a handy little tool.
There are many thousands of men drilling holes in the earth and they can't all be especially enlightened. That you think you are unique in this respect is your mirror.
Nobody on A2K does as much bragging as you do. It's incessant.
From the amount of time you have engaged yourself on my posts you disprove the very silly point you are trying to make.
Where is the link to your position on eugenics which you claimed you had posted? Let's have it again for those who missed it and for new members? I'm all for flat out, full blown eugenics. There would be no random fecundations if I was in charge. They would be organised on strict scientific lines.
I'm a real atheist you see. Not a wobbly, whooshie, soft centred panderer to the sexually promiscuous and depraved like you are. I just don't care for too much revolutionary change of direction carried through by the half-hearted, half-baked wimps like you who are merely jacking off their over-blown egos in their nondescript computer rooms.
Allay my suspicion that you made up that **** about having set out your position on the scientific control of human reproduction knowing full well that nobody is going to look for it.