JimmyJ wrote: You're making us homo sapiens look stupid.
We are not looking - we are.
Take for example the teeth. Setting aside that you neither know where the genetic information for the formation of the teeth actually is, nor how it works, why don't you tell us what we are doing with the teeth.
The dentists charge them with mercury at first (to prepare you for the mercury detoxification program in the late 50s), on the next filling put some arsenic to remove the nerve and the blood vessels (instead of preserving them by using some substrate) after that put some photopolymeric filling, which is usually stronger that the dead tissue (dentin) and the tooth breaks after a while ... and hardly after the tooth is gone they start thinking about bone grafting and guided tissue regeneration - in order to have some beautiful bone for the titanium implant pin.
Wouldn't it be much better to recover the dentin and the enamel in the first place ... and to restore the tooth to its former glory from the very beginning ... rather than doing all that conventional equilibristics.
In comparison to things like this the (lack of) calibration of the rocks is your least problem.