Quote:Are you making an argument that creationism is science here?
In the sense that it is a technique to arrange a substance (crude human beings) in a way that benefits them--yes. As a cat-cracker is science which arranges a substance (crude oil) to benefit human beings.
Maybe technology is a better word. But in both cases there is a wager involved. It is possible that both technologies will not benefit human beings in the long run.
Fundamentalist scientists claim that science is the disinterested pursuit of truth through the exercise of curiosity. Such an extreme view fails to take account of the human needs science serves.
But Quantum Theory holds that the interested researcher is having an effect on what he is observing. The truth of his observations include himself. And cannot be peer-reviewed because there in only one machine with that amount of power.
I gather that Dan Brown has written a novel in which a weapon derived from CERN is aimed at destroying the Vatican, a metaphor of course, but not before the US President has visited, presumably to consult the Pope. (Such events are not undertaken lightly.)
The Hadron Collider is studying atomic particles under conditions it itself has generated, not nature, and with billions of dollars and thousands of well paid, high status, jobs involved it is difficult to see that the work is "disinterested". It has a PR section to sell it to us which uses taxpayer 's money, collected without choice, to persuade us to "believe" its results. The collection plates in churches are voluntary.
Science is a salvation religion offering hope for a perfected human condition here on earth and as there is no such thing as progress it entails a belief. And science, as we know it, derives from Christianity which is a creationist religion.
The many heretical cults which we spawn so readily are merely social arrangements and are neither here nor there in this argument despite fm being so keen to focus his attention on them as if his faction is the only one to have discovered their foolishness which basically results from their elites not being celibate, not being in personal poverty and not psychologically amenable to obedience to authority.
So yes--Creationism is a science. Theology is a science. But those who fear the study of sexual dynamics in group situations are never going to understand the first thing about it.
It is a very complex subject James.