FBM wrote:And that's another red herring.
If you are curios to know you are the greatest fishmonger here:
1. This thread
is not about 'God of the Gaps'. This logical fallacy is a black hole for idiots - once they pass the event horizon they cannot stop repeating it like a broken record.
2. This thread is not also about logical fallacies. If you are so eager to discuss them - open you own threads: "The God of the Gaps and the collapse of the Big Bang 'theory'"; or "The logical fallacies as tautological argument from omniscience".
3. The world in not operating the way you imagine it: to wind up on the finger some fake assumptions about some 'God of the Gaps', and after that to start cherry-picking to infinity to confirm it ... incl. the case with your favorite Big Bang 'theory'.
4. You are never answered to the questions the way you imagine the answer: that is why the discussions are for, otherwise you may feel free to write a pseudodialogue on the blog, by presenting yourself in the one role, and after that into the other.
5. You don't answer the questions - how do you expect for you to be answered correctly? If you count the stochastic references taken from the Gaussian function of distribution as some valid answers - count again.
What is your Specification of your favorite Gaps from your fake assumptions 'God of the Gaps'? Do you have the Specifications or not ... with a Table of Contents, if possible. If you are talking about that for over 25 pages you must have it at hand somewhere ... or just stop taking on idle mode.