FBM wrote:I 'made a prove' that you're a willfully blinkered denialist.
If you are curious to know you are much greater denialist than I ever will be able to become.
1. You deny the alternative possible explanations of the
red shift (your favorite example with cherry-picked explanation) ... not to speak that you don't understand the
red shift in the first place, and why some people claim the the red shift is an indication of an expanding Universe ... with acceleration. Can you explain that in 10 words?
2. You deny all the valid and acceptable evidences that are different from direct observations and publications with some credentials. You don't believe to truth values, you don't rely on your own methods for verification and validation of information and claims for the purposes of knowledge acquisition - you believe to certificates, without even know what exactly is standing behind them. No wonder that you believe 100% to the climate change deniers as well.
3. You deny all the processed for knowledge acquisition except for simulating knowledge by some irrelevant references, made at random.
4. You are denying to listen to any form of communication. Actually you are not making a discussion - you are simulating discussion and interest, and at the same time continue the process some confirmation bias of some mind-blowing paranoic hypotheses about some
God-of-the-Gaps and
Denialism taken at random from other type of discussions.
FBM wrote: And yet you're trying to wedge your "personal 45% alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps in there anyway.
The practice show that to people like you no numbers should be given - ever, for they cannot see anything except for the number itself.
So and so you have become so fond of that % values and cannot brake away from them, the correct approach would be to announce your % of understanding of the assumptions for the creation (if has been created) of the Universe - how much do you believe in a) The Big Bang has ever happened; b) Even if happened, has created anything at all and c) reverted processes in physics are possible.
After that - how much do you believe that the Universe has always existed and that all these performances with the standard model are out of subject. How much % do you believe that intelligence (our for example), life, and messages can appear 3000 years before the events themselves that they are concerning? The sum of all believes here should be 100% (the whole case of the assumptions).
In the event you believe 100% in the Big Bang 'theory', how exactly do you exclude all the other hypotheses ... and why?
It is obvious that you have no interest in the ontology of the Universe and that you mistake our origin (the creation) with our destiny (the climate change) - why don't you simply open a thread on the climate change to end up with your concerns (and with your favorite example for classical denialism)?