Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2015 05:33 pm
III. The uses of the ad ignorantiam in rhetoric and persuasion are often similar to the technique of "raising doubts." E.g., suppose you wanted to convince a police officer not to give you a ticket by using this technique.
"I'm sure you know how unreliable radar detectors are. Why, I saw an a news program a tree was timed at 50 mph, and Florida, at one time, threw out such evidence in court. I certainly wasn't going that fast. Some other driver must have sent back that erroneous signal. You probably timed the car passing me which looked like mine."


Arguments from ignorance can easily find their way into debates over the existence of God. It is a fallacy to draw conclusions based precisely on ignorance, since this does not satisfactorily address issues of philosophic burden of proof.


Example #2:

To this very day (at the time of this writing), science has been unable to create life from non-life; therefore, life must be a result of divine intervention.
Explanation: Ignoring the false dilemma, the fact that we have not found a way to create life from non-life is not evidence that there is no way to create life from non-life, nor is it evidence that we will some day be able to; it is just evidence that we do not know how to do it. Confusing ignorance with impossibility (or possibility) is fallacious.

Exception: The assumption of a conclusion or fact deduced from evidence of absence, is not considered a fallacy, but valid reasoning.

Jimbo: Dude, did you spit your gum out in my drink?
Dick: No comment.
Jimbo: (after carefully pouring his drink down the sink looking for gum but finding none...) Jackass!
Tip: Look at all your existing major beliefs and see if they are based more on the lack of evidence than evidence. You might be surprised as to how many actually are.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2015 05:38 pm
Again, it's very simple:

Your argument for your "personal 45% ILF/alien/god-of-the-gaps" sucks balls compared to that presented by scientists for their model(s).

If you want to change that, you won't succeed by attempting to raise doubts about science. You'll only do it by providing positive evidence for your alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps. Still waiting...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2015 10:52 pm
FBM wrote:
I've already proved it several times ... It's a red herring because the real issue is that your argument for your alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps sucks balls compared to that presented by scientists for the scientific, magic-free worldview.
     1. You haven't proved seriously anything so far. The circumstance that you are continuously presenting some random references, governed by the laws of probability, does not necessarily mean that you are making any proves.
     2. The real issue is not whether God could be placed in the space of the unknowable or not - the real issue is that nothing could be placed there. The problem is that no claims presenting themselves as science and meta-knowledge could be placed there just so, out of Nowhere, and out of Nothing.
     3. If you are fan of the ontology this implicitly suggests that you are fan of the 'branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being' (Oxford dictionary), from where automatically follows that you accept the existence of the metaphysics (you deeply and convincingly believe that something outside the physical explanation of the world is absolutely possible to exist), and that you accept the metaphysics as possible understanding of the world (incl. that something can exist outside the laws of physics - like outside the Time, for example), from where automatically follows that the Big Bang could not be 'the first and still the best' for the Universe most probably has always existed (within or outside the component of the Time, as we know it). Actually what can you tell (without references) about the Time?
     Why don't you simply confess that the uncritical trusting and assigning beliefs to videos and pseudo-scientific presentations of any kind based on suspicious credentials ... and justification, is not an idea of first brilliance for the purposes of knowledge acquisition, for in that way one may end up with a 'positive mutation' of references in the place of non-contradictory knowledge with ability to make personal reasoning and interoperability to communicate it.
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2015 05:52 am
Herald wrote:
     1. You haven't proved seriously anything so far. The circumstance that you are continuously presenting some random references, governed by the laws of probability, does not necessarily mean that you are making any proves.

I 'made a prove' that you're a willfully blinkered denialist.

     2. The real issue is not whether God could be placed in the space of the unknowable or not - the real issue is that nothing could be placed there. The problem is that no claims presenting themselves as science and meta-knowledge could be placed there just so, out of Nowhere, and out of Nothing.

And yet you're trying to wedge your "personal 45% alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps in there anyway. Smoothe move, Exlax. You just contradicted yourself yet again.

     3. If you are fan of the ontology this implicitly suggests that you are fan of the 'branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being' (Oxford dictionary), from where automatically follows that you accept the existence of the metaphysics (you deeply and convincingly believe that something outside the physical explanation of the world is absolutely possible to exist), and that you accept the metaphysics as possible understanding of the world (incl. that something can exist outside the laws of physics - like outside the Time, for example), from where automatically follows that the Big Bang could not be 'the first and still the best' for the Universe most probably has always existed (within or outside the component of the Time, as we know it). Actually what can you tell (without references) about the Time?
     Why don't you simply confess that the uncritical trusting and assigning beliefs to videos and pseudo-scientific presentations of any kind based on suspicious credentials ... and justification, is not an idea of first brilliance for the purposes of knowledge acquisition, for in that way one may end up with a 'positive mutation' of references in the place of non-contradictory knowledge with ability to make personal reasoning and interoperability to communicate it.

More red herring and stawman fallacies? Damn, fella, how much of that you got stored up over there? Laughing

Refute my only claim:

Your argument for your "personal 45% ILF/alien/god-of-the-gaps" sucks balls compared to that presented by scientists for their model(s).

Cut out the dependence on logical fallacies. Show some postive evidence for your alien/ILF/god that is remotely as robust and compelling as that the scientists have produced for their models. If you can't/won't, then you'll be forever stuck at:


Seriously, you think any rational person is going to take Random Internet Wingnut's claims - sans evidence - about invisible, possibly extinct alien/ILF/gods supernaturally/magically/mystically teleporting instructions for the universe over what the scientists have accumulated over the centuries? Seriously? Are you writing from an asylum?
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2015 06:53 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2015 10:29 am
FBM wrote:
I 'made a prove' that you're a willfully blinkered denialist.
     If you are curious to know you are much greater denialist than I ever will be able to become.
     1. You deny the alternative possible explanations of the red shift (your favorite example with cherry-picked explanation) ... not to speak that you don't understand the red shift in the first place, and why some people claim the the red shift is an indication of an expanding Universe ... with acceleration. Can you explain that in 10 words?
     2. You deny all the valid and acceptable evidences that are different from direct observations and publications with some credentials. You don't believe to truth values, you don't rely on your own methods for verification and validation of information and claims for the purposes of knowledge acquisition - you believe to certificates, without even know what exactly is standing behind them. No wonder that you believe 100% to the climate change deniers as well.
     3. You deny all the processed for knowledge acquisition except for simulating knowledge by some irrelevant references, made at random.
     4. You are denying to listen to any form of communication. Actually you are not making a discussion - you are simulating discussion and interest, and at the same time continue the process some confirmation bias of some mind-blowing paranoic hypotheses about some God-of-the-Gaps and Denialism taken at random from other type of discussions.
FBM wrote:
And yet you're trying to wedge your "personal 45% alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps in there anyway.
     The practice show that to people like you no numbers should be given - ever, for they cannot see anything except for the number itself.
     So and so you have become so fond of that % values and cannot brake away from them, the correct approach would be to announce your % of understanding of the assumptions for the creation (if has been created) of the Universe - how much do you believe in a) The Big Bang has ever happened; b) Even if happened, has created anything at all and c) reverted processes in physics are possible.
     After that - how much do you believe that the Universe has always existed and that all these performances with the standard model are out of subject. How much % do you believe that intelligence (our for example), life, and messages can appear 3000 years before the events themselves that they are concerning? The sum of all believes here should be 100% (the whole case of the assumptions).
     In the event you believe 100% in the Big Bang 'theory', how exactly do you exclude all the other hypotheses ... and why?
     It is obvious that you have no interest in the ontology of the Universe and that you mistake our origin (the creation) with our destiny (the climate change) - why don't you simply open a thread on the climate change to end up with your concerns (and with your favorite example for classical denialism)?
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2015 10:35 am
1. You deny the alternative possible explanations of the red shift ... not to speak that you don't understand the red shift in the first place.

That doesn't even make any sense. You deny my explanation because you don't understand the explanation I deny.

But I am sure FBM will be along to point out that your arguments are:
1. red herring
2. red herring
3. red herring
4. red herring.
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2015 10:48 am
parados wrote:
That doesn't even make any sense.
parados wrote:
You deny my explanation because you don't understand the explanation I deny.
      ... and what exactly is your explanation - Doppler effect with light, or what? In order to claim that this is the case you will have to reject all the other possibilities that you will never be able to do as you perhaps deny them, and to you those other possible explanations of the red shift do not exist.
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2015 01:07 pm
Do you even know what red shift is?

In order to claim that this is the case you will have to reject all the other possibilities that you will never be able to do as you perhaps deny them, and to you those other possible explanations of the red shift do not exist.
Gosh. Nice red herring fallacy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2015 07:05 pm
Herald wrote:
     1. You deny the alternative possible explanations of the red shift (your favorite example with cherry-picked explanation) ... not to speak that you don't understand the red shift in the first place, and why some people claim the the red shift is an indication of an expanding Universe ... with acceleration. Can you explain that in 10 words?
     2. You deny all the valid and acceptable evidences that are different from direct observations and publications with some credentials. You don't believe to truth values, you don't rely on your own methods for verification and validation of information and claims for the purposes of knowledge acquisition - you believe to certificates, without even know what exactly is standing behind them. No wonder that you believe 100% to the climate change deniers as well.
     3. You deny all the processed for knowledge acquisition except for simulating knowledge by some irrelevant references, made at random.
     4. You are denying to listen to any form of communication. Actually you are not making a discussion - you are simulating discussion and interest, and at the same time continue the process some confirmation bias of some mind-blowing paranoic hypotheses about some God-of-the-Gaps and Denialism taken at random from other type of discussions.

Wrong on all accounts and, like Parados pointed out, these are just more red herrings. What I deny is that your argument for your "personal 45% alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps" holds water against what the scientists present for their model(s).You have done absolutely nothing to strengthen your argument by resorting to the same old logical fallacies.

The practice show that to people like you no numbers should be given - ever, for they cannot see anything except for the number itself.
     So and so you have become so fond of that % values and cannot brake away from them, the correct approach would be to announce your % of understanding of the assumptions for the creation (if has been created) of the Universe - how much do you believe in a) The Big Bang has ever happened; b) Even if happened, has created anything at all and c) reverted processes in physics are possible.
     After that - how much do you believe that the Universe has always existed and that all these performances with the standard model are out of subject. How much % do you believe that intelligence (our for example), life, and messages can appear 3000 years before the events themselves that they are concerning? The sum of all believes here should be 100% (the whole case of the assumptions).
     In the event you believe 100% in the Big Bang 'theory', how exactly do you exclude all the other hypotheses ... and why?
     It is obvious that you have no interest in the ontology of the Universe and that you mistake our origin (the creation) with our destiny (the climate change) - why don't you simply open a thread on the climate change to end up with your concerns (and with your favorite example for classical denialism)?

Who gives a ****? I'm comparing two claims. One made by scientists for their model of the universe and your for your alien/ILF/god-thingy. Your argument for your claim sucks balls. You have no evidence and only a long string of logical fallacies. Work on it.

Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 09:44 am
FBM wrote:
Wrong on all accounts and, like Parados pointed out, these are just more red herrings.
     Don't you see that he is mocking at you?
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 09:47 am
Another red herring? I repeat: Who gives a ****? Your argument for your alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps sucks balls when juxtaposed with the evidence that scientists have accumulated over the centuries. Do something substantial for a change. Something that isn't dependent upon logical fallacies.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 12:26 pm
FBM wrote:
Another red herring? I repeat: Who gives a ****?
     Actually I forgot what was your claim: "I believe there is no God", "I don't believe there is God" or "I don't believe in God"?
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 08:28 pm
Red herring yet again? I've repeated numerous times my claim:

Your argument for your alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps sucks balls compared to the scientists' arguments for their models.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 09:28 pm
Some people are not capable of accepting FACTS. Gods exist in people's mind, but they can't produce anything tangible that proves their god exists.

I just wish the tooth fairy was 'real.' At least we can expect some $$$ under our pillows when we were kids.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 09:33 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Yep. Denialism is a piece of cake. Just ignore what you don't like. It would be nice if gods and/or alien ILFs were real. Especially the alien ILFs. That would be interesting as hell. Problem is...no evidence. And I'm not interested in self-delusion.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 10:14 pm
FBM wrote:
Red herring yet again? I've repeated numerous times my claim:Your argument for your alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps sucks balls compared to the scientists' arguments for their models.
     ... and my claim is that you don't have the IQ capacity to make such an assessment.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 10:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:
Some people are not capable of accepting FACTS.
     ... and what are 'your facts' - spectral analysis diagrams of the red shift in the light spectrum. These 'facts' evidence only that there is red shift in the light spectrum, only that and nothing else. The expansion of the Universe is a hypothetical assumption, a pure hypothesis that has no direct facts nor any other evidence confirming it ... except for the attached and sewed to it by glowing threads patches that have nothing to do with any Big Bang ever happening.
cicerone imposter wrote:
Gods exist in people's mind
     ... and where is your mind existing?
cicerone imposter wrote:
... but they can't produce anything tangible that proves their god exists.
     ... and how did you come to know that the proves of God should be tangible? How many tangible pieces of evidence do you have about your favorite Big Bang 'theory' - is your laptop expanding, or what ... with acceleration, or how? How is the Universe expanding with isotropy ... in an anisotropic environment? How does that happen? Have you ever seen 'expansion of ground' during an earthquake? You don't have any tangible evidence about any Big Bang ever happening, for Big Bang is a conspiracy theory against the self-awareness of the people, only that, and nothing else.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2015 10:36 pm
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
Red herring yet again? I've repeated numerous times my claim:Your argument for your alien/ILF/god-of-the-gaps sucks balls compared to the scientists' arguments for their models.
     ... and my claim is that you don't have the IQ capacity to make such an assessment.

Ad hominem fallacy. You can't seem to post without some sort of fallacy. Therefore, your argument continues to suck balls compared to that for the scientific worldview, and therefore you continue to lose.

Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2015 12:57 am
So your claim is that this discussion should be based on your fake assumptions about some God-of-the-Gaps fallacy. Forget about the fallacies for a moment - tell us your complete and detailed specification of your favorite Gap/s - how does it/they look like, what is included there and what is to be excluded ... and why, etc.

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