Quote:This doesn't look like something that I wrote. Are you attributing this to me?
No, I took it from a quote posted (you didn't say where it came from).
Quote:Einstein proposed a cosmological constant to make the equations match observation
I disagree, it was an ad hoc addition designed to achieve a desired end (a static universe). Observations really had nothing to do with it.
Quote:Einstein included the cosmological constant as a term in his field equations for general relativity because he was dissatisfied that otherwise his equations did not allow, apparently, for a static universe: gravity would cause a universe that was initially at dynamic equilibrium to contract.
Quote:Science needs evidence, and if it can't get any for a particular hypothesis, the hypothesis is scrapped or revised.
So you say, but this whole "dark matter" thing is just another ad hoc "solution" to an evident problem with existing theory. It has no independent basis.
That's not a problem, in and of itself, but scientists are supposed to be skeptical about any new "theories" until some empirical verification is obtained. That is especially true of ad hoc revisions.
Beyond that, Karl Popper (and others) concluded that any proposition that could not be empirically falsified was mere "pseudo-science."
Yet it is said that the mainstream scientific community this has generally accepted this ad hoc, evidentally non-falsifiable, assertion that dark matter "exists." What's up with that? It's the gullibility and lack of critical analysis that is most suspect here. But, it saves their dogma, so, what else would you expect?
Quote:This thread is pitting the argument for Intelligent Design against the scientific model: "Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe."...I do know how to compare evidence-based claims with claims that are made without evidence, and that's where Intelligent Design falls flat
FBM, in my very first post, I drew attention to the distinction between "naturalism" as a methodology and as a "metaphysical ontology." You seem to be adhering to the latter. ID, by the very nature of it's claims, cannot be confirmed or falsified by "empirical" evidence. Yet that seems to be the only evidence you're willing to allow--stacking the deck for "your side."
I don't claim ID is a "scientific theory" in the sense that it can be falsified by empirical experiment (just as dark matter can't). It ain't. But it doesn't therefore follow that there is exactly ZERO "evidence" for it. That's one reason I brought up the issue of what constitutes "evidence" and how one's answer to that question may simply be: "only that which conforms to the metaphysical beliefs I adhere to."
Quote:Herald is claiming aliens, I'm asking for evidence. He can't provide any, so I'm saying his case is weaker than that for the Standard Model. That's it.
That's fine, but I don't really think that's "all" you've said. Many very intelligent people, including perhaps the majority of scientists, happen to "believe" in "aliens," if by that you mean extra-terrestrial life in the universe.