Quote: And what about you?
he difference tween us is that Ive red your side's texts voraciously when younger, then as I lernt more science, the obvious BS value of scripture became obvious.
Quote: even the diseases that we might be exposed to are preset there (high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, etc. ... or at least the medical science claims for this to be so
. Genetics is an interesting set of barcodes. These are added to or substituted in each population. Medical science has not yet pronounced that ones susceptibility to certain diseases is only set by ones genes. WE are undergoing an "epidemic"of diabetes that seems to be associated with our changing eating habits (In fact, medical science is calling it "Diabesity" to indicate the strong environmental association between obesity and diabetes type 2)
Quote: BTW you don't have a single piece of verifiable evidence how far this present programming may go – for 1 generation, 5 generations ... 1000 years, 1 BN years or how much?
Don't you recall that humans share avbout a 98% exact copy of our genes with chimpanzees? Even the chimps chromosome 1 and 2 have been fused (exactly) to form a single chromosome in the human gene complement.
We also share a declining match of genes with"lower" animals . The commonality of these gene expressions (like HOX genes) in every animal above annelids an starfish. I find that quite compelling . As far as time, I have no idea, and I cant give a reasoned answer other than the comparative development for these lower animals that have still remained since their fossils first appered in the record.
Quote: So the evidences show that half of the things are predetermined by and intelligent design, and half of the things are exposed to casino events
Now youre just making **** up out of ignorance. I don't know how yyou arrive at that. As far as "Things displayed during ones lifetime" There is a whole newer area of "Epigenetics" where the DNA strands that occur as "junk/noncoding' or are outside the genome itself, have shown to express some unusual effects in an indicidual and an individuals offspring. (Like prenatal alcoholism in several generations even after a generation never became alcoholic, or generational responses to smoking ). Again, theres a lot of work being done now and it seems to be showing valid relationships
Intelligent Design is merely a copout from doing ones homework. Im saddened that you didn't get anything from SHubins video where he explained several things quite nicely
1He explained the concept of the "right ages of right rocks) as an unspoken "PROOF of how falsification works.
2He explained the sequesntial development of appenages as seen in the genome of fish to amphibians (and he mentione dbirds and higher animals)
3More importantly, he discussed the concepts of "knock out" genes that, if they are not allowed to express (as if they weren't there0 a higher animal , like an amphibian would develop appendages from lower animals (like a fish)
He didn't talk about that but a scientist from a Dupont lab had won a Nobel Prize in the 90's for research into developing "knock out genetics" as a way to test development of embryos.
Its not Haeckels BS but is an outgrowth of what neo Haeckelian developmental bio I about.
Shubin did his speech very entertainingly (I saw him at a different venue where he was more magisterial). His speech was very approachable and was understandable to those who weren't lab rats.