If you are curious to know the Big Bang 'theory' is the greatest plagiarism on all indicators and for any age. It has plagiarized implicitly (not without citing, but without even mentioning this explicitly) the idea of
omnipresence from the Church ... and assigned it to the Big Bang Itself; it has plagiarized the idea of the
omnipotence from the religion and assigned it to the Big Bang; it has plagiarized the idea of
omniscience from God and assigned it to the Science. Not to mention that it has plagiarized the idea of the Creation itself. The Big Bang assumes axiomatically (by plagiarizing that unscrupulously from the Church) that the Universe has been Created - and this is its fatal system error. In the capacity of presenting itself as Science the Big Bang should have investigated all the plausible hypothesis, as anything that is presenting itself as Science, would do. Instead of that it skips the main problem of whether or not the Universe has been created and starts dealing with how. Hence the whole process of organised plagiarism by Science has an objective not to find the truth about us and our origin and our world, but to put the Science in the place of the Church, to replace the Church as a social factor and to place Science at the launching site for money and power.
FBM wrote:Notice how you go from broken English to fluency in that post, then back to broken English again.
Which one is the broken English and which one is the fluency. If you mean the math language to be the fluency - it is another style of English. You should not be afraid of broken English, for you are hardly using any English at all ... when you jump from broken quotes to fluent rare hits and then back to broken videos.
FBM wrote: I just "bared" your deep-seated intellectual dishonesty.
Quoting other people without their knowledge and consent could hardly be viewed as any intellectual honesty. Anyway.
FBM wrote:Again. You've still got nothing but logical fallacies, motivated reasoning, evasion and hand-waving.
What about you - what do you have? You still have got nothing but irrelevant quotes, unjustified claims, misinterpretations of any kind, and fake references ... and I forgot - you have also several straw-men from which you cannot separate.
FBM wrote:Until you can present some evidence for your "personal 45% god/ILF-of-the-gaps,"
I am not obliged to present anything in support of your strawmanish 'god-of-the-gaps' structures. You have to present a brilliant collection of pieces of evidence that everything I may have said about the absolute inability of the Big Bang 'theory' to take out the Information that it will need for the creation of the structures of the Universe out of wherever is based on God-of-the-Gaps reasoning and could not be derived in any other way.
FBM wrote:the score remains: 4:0
When and if you succeed to explain it with some plausible justification - until then and not before it may remain only as a hat of your straw-man, as it actually is.