parados wrote:I can't begin to state how well I understand your math until you present your math.
I am not asking that - I was asking you to tell us how you imagine 'my math', how it looks like in your understanding of my understanding of the world ... in general terms - a set of equations, a formal model, a computer simulation or how?
If you want a formal model - no problems. Let's have a description of the Universe onto the present day:
Unow : tuple (KM, KE, DM, DE, STR)
and the Universe at 1 Planck time after the Big Bang (this is the most distant point of time where we can go to without 'throwing into music' the fundamental sciences) to be U1pt: tuple (UDS1, UDS2, ... UDSn, ~T). We define P as the space of the processes, where p
i - is any process as an element of that space.
After that we define F as a set of functions, where F = {Fp: p ε P} and Fp: UDSi → KM; Fp: UDSi → KE; Fp: UDSi → DM; Fp: UDSi → DE; Fp: UDSi → STR; in other words for each of the present day components of the Universe there exist a process (or a set of processes) that can convert the unknown variable(s) of the Big Bang 'theory' into the present day physical realities - [Known Matter], [Known Energy], [Dark Matter], [Dark Energy], [Structures]. Just don't ask me how you are going to define functions over undefined variables ... and with unknown results.
Besides that, having in mind that STR = STR[Inf] (a structure is a function of Information) you will have to find the source(s) of Information into the U1pt (1 Planck time after the Big Bang has been set in operation). This is the first hypothesis of the BB assumptions.
The second hypothesis may be when the tuple U1pt (UDS1, UDS2, ... UDSn, ~T) = [[],[],...[],[]] () is an empty list of non-existing elements (just don't ask me to make a physical interpretation of that). In that case the best thing one can do is to prove that all of the UDS1, UDS2, ... UDSn, ~T(non-existence of time) can appear out of nowhere and out of nothing (it is exactly what the BBT is claiming) - simply by converting the non-existing elements of the empty list into one another.
The third case is when the Universe has always existed (or at least it is so much back in time, that it is impossible for us to check anything for sure) , and the Big Bang (if has ever happened) has not created too much (or at least not anything special).
In that case we assign: Unow : tuple (KM, KE, DM, DE, STR) = U1pt : tuple (KM, KE, DM, DE, STR) - that the Universe at 1 Planck time has not been too much different (in terms of components & structures) from the present-day Universe, and which is the most important the Time has always existed (no matter whether we have tools to measure that now or not - here we assume that so far we can go back in time, there always has been Time & Something (different from absolute Nothing)).
Depending on the assumptions one may have different solution paths, and even different solution spaces to make the search.
Without the assumptions (that IMV are unknowable) one can not have any collateral math, like inferences on the grounds of some
red shifts and
CMBs, unless it is proved that everything in the Universe can be traced back down to its primary form from that
red shifts and
CMBs, incl. the creation of Time.
Your Singularity with its Infinite Temperature & Infinite Gravity does not in any way explain how can the particles and the chemical elements come into existence ... and without the Information about their properties and structure. The particles and the chemical elements cannot exist in the present-day Universe without having properties and structure (without relying on Information), let alone having been created without an ID. Some may argue the the chemical elements (and the chemical compounds) are formed on the grounds of minimizing the energy of the system - but who/what has postulated/set that rule(s)? Where have you proved the abilities of the Big Bang to issue any regulations?