parados wrote:First you demand the math because you don't like the plain English then you demand plain English when given the math. Could you be any more circular?
Why don't you stop avoiding the inconvenient questions - and just answer them by making the physical interpretation of the formal math models.
Example: The material carrier of light is the photon. The material carrier of the electromagnetic field is the electron, and the material carrier of the temperature is ... what? The quantum theory explains the temperature as particle velocity. Which have been the particles, contained in the Singularity (diameter 3.10^-11 m) and what has been their speed when they acquired (somehow and out of nowhere) the temperature of 1.57.10^42 deg.K for the Big Bang 'theory'? How can something appear (without the Time component being launched yet) and both out of Nothing, and out of Nowhere (within one Planck time, for example) - how does that happen?