FBM wrote:Where did I ever deny either the possibility of a god or your surreptitious synonym for one, the IDer?
Your God hypothesis suggests that the hypothesis is not
ours - in other words you are excluding
a priori yourself from considering that hypothesis (or at least I understand it in that way).
FBM wrote:All I've been saying all along is that your argument for your "personal 45% god-of-the-gaps" is shot full of fallacies
... and that you have no idea of how the assumptions of the Big Bang might look like ... and why.
FBM wrote:... immortality
...of the species (not of separate individuals). So you are of the opinion to exhaust the resources of the planet as fast as possible - and where are we going to go after that? Can you name some planet nearby with similar tectonics and atmosphere ... and clean water ... for I cannot guess about any such? You may explain that some day to your grandchildren why they should run in the park with gas masks - because their parents & grandparents have been too stupid and too greedy not to see the things in-time and to take some measures ... after they have believed blindly in some Singularity that will save them somehow ... from themselves.
FBM wrote:If a majority of scientists and/or historians accepted that such a thing were real, and then I denied it, I'd be a denialist.
Can you name at least one prominent physicist, who is ready to part with the laws of conservation in physics for the sake of the Big Bang 'theory'?
FBM wrote:Unless, of course, you produce some evidence.
After you present evidence about the launching of Time by the Big Bang 'theory'. You have no idea even how you could detect the Time physically, haven't you? Not to say that you don't know whether the physical manifestation of Time is 'analogue' (some continuum) or 'digital' (the smallest period in the Universe, for example) ... not to mention that you don't even have any clue which part of the RF spectrum and/or which particle might have the smallest possible period in the Universe.
FBM wrote: There's a shitload more evidence for a gravitational singularity than there is for either your "personal 45% god-of-the-gaps"
1. You have to prove that such thing is able to exist ... outside the Time. 2. You will have to explain what existence outside time is, and how this is consistent with the laws of the fundamental sciences. 3. You have to prove that it (the Singularity) has the capacity to accumulate infinite temperature (whatever this might mean) to launch the process of creation. 4. ... but before that you will have to prove that the Big Bang can appear out of infinite temperature accumulated into Nothing. 5. You will have to prove that a concept with absolute impossibility to exist in the physical world can possess attributes that will significantly improve its probability of existence ... and explain also what improvement of impossibility into possibility is supposed to mean.
What about the 'creation' abilities - what evidence do you have that your impossible to exist Singularity is able to create possible to exist
vast Universe, with
huge energy,
huge mass and
huge diversity of chemical elements --- out of something that has never had any Time component?
BTW you are the worst case scenario of a 'student' - you have double blind belief in some pseudo-scientific authorities experiencing themselves as wizards and presenting themselves as geniuses (a logical fallacy called
argument from authority). They are simply relying on your inability to understand the
mumbo jumbo they are presenting (
argumentum ad ignorantum) and into the definition of which they usually hide all the contradictions that they cannot deal with. Obviously it gives the expected results (in the form of a
bandwagon fallacy). After that you start sliding down the aqua rollba of
confirmation bias -
confusion of correlation and causation -
excluded middle -
half truths -
observational selection and the crown of everything is attaching attributes of existence to impossible to exist (and to be understood) exotic concepts. When you cannot understand a concept you cannot discuss is - which is 'accepted' and interpreted as tacit agreement and acknowledgement of that 'theory'.