It should be borne in mind, fm, that the Scientifiacites are in roughly the same position that the early Church was. Centres vying for power each with its bishops, priests and interested laity: the latter sought proximity with power without having to abrogate the pleasures of the flesh. As their modern equivalents do when they avoid the long hours of grinding study.
Our modern Scientifiacites have their Nobels and their Professors each with a long title and a range of perquisites always at hand. Operating within a limited field. The pyramid has not been capped yet. The arguments are concerning the final touches. The base is solid with its pipette poppers and bottle washers and utility services. (Car park at the rear. Communal dunny).
The problem seems to me that communications are so much faster now than they were then, it taking weeks to get a signal from Alexandria to Damascus, if it got through at all, or it being revised on the journey, and we might end up with Scientifiacites up our arses before we notice they have arrived: such unguent lubricants they have at their disposal. ci and ros don't even know its up them.
And once arrived the Alphaville catastrophe is the only hope. I use "catastrophe" in the theatrical sense.
Have you seen Alphaville?