FBM wrote: There's a mountain more evidence in one sentence of what they publish than in everything you've written so far. Got any evidence for your god yet? Anything? Any tiny scrap?

Just a second with all that marathon with the elementary particles. You use these as 'evidence for non-existence' (of God in this case), claiming that notwithstanding that you have found 17 particles so far (about more of the half of which you don't even know too much, except for that they are released at super-high speed in heavy water or s.th.), neither you have found traces of any God, nor you have seen Him on the radio telescope, notwithstanding that you search by that telescope the whole space at all detectable frequencies.
The 'evidence' is that you still cannot see any God on the event horizon, right? How did you come to know that you will be able to recognize God if you see Him ... on the radio telescope, where 99,9% of the data are not even with any plausible interpretation, of any kind? ... and how did you come to know that God is a
radio-station at some frequency? ... and why do you think that you know everything about frequencies, when you cannot even explain how and why a photon or electron can behave sometimes as wave and sometimes as particle ... not to mention that sometimes each of them might be here and on the other side of the Universe at one and the same time?
... and how did you come to know that you can prove the non-existence of the universal - the non-existence of the omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience ... and at the same time to claim that it is the Big Bang & its top designers who are the real omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient explanation of the world? You cannot deny something and in the same time use it ... for personal gain, for example.