farmerman wrote: Remember what I said about ages of DNA?? Apparently not. Pterodactyls were also around with birds so its hard for two contemporarily living species to be "common ancestors" of each other isn't it.
Yes, but your fellow evolutionists are claiming otherwise. 'The
scientific consensus is that
birds are a group of
theropod dinosaurs that evolved during the Mesozoic Era.'
So, let's see what we have now: with every day and in any way T. Rex started becoming (by reason unknown) lighter and lighter. In the end from 6.5 m.t. he melted down to 1 kg. Gradually with the time he started looking for an appropriate runway, and when in the end he found the best runway, long enough to provide the acceleration and the lift force to hang into the air any shut put weighting 6.5 m.t. as a minimum (presented by the evolutionists as 1 kg) - it started running and running along the runway, accelerating and lifting ... and in the end it took off ... and become a bird.