farmerman wrote: youre underthinking it.
... and you are looking to the least resistance in giving something that might resemble an answer. As you give sufficient thoughts and consideration to, and have mind-boddling success in considering the issue adequately, why don't you tell us how it works.
In your favourite theory we read:
Quote:1) more offspring are produced than can possibly survive
This is absolutely Jesuit statement. Lets consider the last few individuals of an extincting species just before the time of their final and irretrievable extinction. They also comprise 'more offspring' than can possible survive. Actually the biosphere is all the time and continuously in that state.
Further we read:
Quote:2) traits vary among individuals, leading to different rates of survival and reproduction
If this is true, there will be no species at all. All the living beings within the biosphere will look like the 'taxonomy' of the viruses - unclassifiable in any known taxonomy.
Quote:3) trait differences are heritable.
This is the key to understand the Jesuit nature of the whole 'theory'. Let's see what is the 'overthought explanation' of the processes, driving the creation of new species there: traits vary; lead to different rates of survival and reproduction (pay attention - not to different or modified traits); and traits differences are heritable (what about the traits themselves - how can you inherit only the differences).
From where it becomes absolutely evident that the 'explanation' of the said 'theory' is at the level of 'district governor' - as a minimum - and is intended exclusively for this type of students only.