Is it illegal to ddos a site that is illegal?

Sat 2 Nov, 2013 12:29 pm
Hello so I ddosed a illegal website and the owner is planing to sue me and the reason the website is illegal is because it is using copyrighted material its a world of warcraft private server and as you all probably know the real owners are blizzard entertainment and under their ToS it clearly states that hosting any emulated of there service is illegal so can i get in trouble for this?
View best answer, chosen by jsoto94
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 12:33 pm
If you rob or beat on a criminal is that against the law?

Sat 2 Nov, 2013 12:46 pm
Ragman wrote:

If you rob or beat on a criminal is that against the law?


As Ragman already stated. In the eyes of the law, two illegal acts don't make a legal one. If you are so inclined to get this supposed perpetrator against copyright laws, report the site to your national authorities (in the US, that would be the FBI: http://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/). Or just report it to the game publishers, Blizzard.

Because how do you actually know that this person may not have a legal agreement with Blizzard? You don't. In every single industrialized country, vigilantism and vigilante acts are illegal. You as a simple citizen don't have the power or the authority to take the law into your own hands.

True. We do have extrajudicial hacking groups who do so (Anonymous (sic?)) and they do so (with most of their openly public works with a sense of honor but that doesn't keep them from being a target of hacking or judicial enforcement either.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 12:49 pm
You cannot get a legal agreement with blizzard to authorize to host a server because its clearly stated here: http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/about/legal-faq.html
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 12:55 pm
Still, it doesn't matter. That's a moot point. Clearly you are missing the bigger point of what I said and what Ragman wrote as well. You can not perform an illegal act and think you will be covered by the law despite your best efforts.

Heck! As a hacker, you didn't cover your tracks well enough so the person in question could find you and place you in his targets for a civil lawsuit and/or worse a criminal lawsuit.

Can you afford an attorney? I bet this person can afford a law firm. He can deal with his own legal trouble and probably get off scott free if he's smart and shrewd enough. What you displayed here? I have less faith that you will come out smelling like roses. You may have stepped into a mine field and am presently standing on an active mine and not realize it. Good luck with that.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 01:06 pm
It truly sucks if the situation I had presented in my last post works out to be what will happen but you acted rashly though quite admirably and now you are going to have to think about protecting your own behind (legally wise).

Get an attorney. Follow his or her advice which will probably be something on the lines of go to the authorities. The quickest situation would be if your target just simply pulls down his site and moves it elsewhere and forgets about what happened here. Don't count on that if he already contacted you with a legal threat. Just be glad he isn't part of an organized crime gang (Russian, Asian, etc...) where your identity and perhaps even your physical well being are at stake.

Think and think and think some more the next time you plan on assaulting another online entity without knowing all of the details and whether you can get away with it without being made worse for the effort. BTW: Did you think about if you needed and how to make an exit strategy if things failed against this server in question?
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 03:11 pm
tsarstepan wrote:
In the eyes of the law, two illegal acts don't make a legal one.

In all jurisdictions, I am sure. In British law, taking stolen goods from a thief is itself stealing. Way back in the 1970s I knew a guy who sold grass (marijuana) and one day some guys came around with knives and took his stereo, all his records, his money and his stash. He knew exactly where they lived but they thought he would keep quiet because he was on probation from a bust but he was so pissed he went to see one of the cops in his case. "No problem", said the cop, "We'll bust them and you won't get in trouble over the grass, and we can bust them for not only possessing the grass, but stealing it from you as well." He got everything back except the marijuana. Even the dealing cash.
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 03:33 pm
jsoto94 wrote:
Hello so I ddosed a illegal website and the owner is planing to sue me and the reason the website is illegal is because it is using copyrighted material its a world of warcraft private server and as you all probably know the real owners are blizzard entertainment and under their ToS it clearly states that hosting any emulated of there service is illegal so can i get in trouble for this?

Thank you for your efforts to defend Blizzard. (That's not an "official" thank you. I'm not at all connected with them. I just think Blizzard is awesome.)

As far as lawsuits go, the fact that the people who are suing you are trying to defend a criminal operation would seem to me to make them an unsympathetic plaintiff. Sounds about like a drug lord suing you for taking a sledgehammer to his meth lab.

This may effectively be a "SLAP" lawsuit, where the actual intent is not to win in court, but just to try to ruin you by imposing legal costs that you cannot afford.

That said, if they go forward with the lawsuit against you, you'll need to get a lawyer. Don't try to defend yourself in court without a lawyer.

I'm curious which private server? If you do not feel comfortable answering though, because you fear that it will make things even worse for you, I understand.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 05:48 pm
The website is frozenwow.net go ahead and scroll down and read what he posted about it. And please If i do get in trouble with the law or something please report this server at [email protected], send it in this format:

Website name: frozenwow.net
IP address:
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Owners name: Gerald J Crochet III
-https://www.facebook.com/GeraldCrochet3 (Owners personal facebook)

Send it to [email protected] they will deal with it.
And don't forget hack the subject as "reporting a World of Warcraft private server."
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 06:13 pm
jsoto94 wrote:
And please If i do get in trouble with the law or something please report this server

Proper little Edward Snowden, aren't we? Headed for pound-ass federal prison... Bubba's getting a new cute young bitch...

0 Replies
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 09:32 am
jsoto94 wrote:
their ToS it clearly states that hosting any emulated of there service is illegal so can i get in trouble for this?

Well, if the Blizzard ToS says so....
0 Replies
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 05:51 pm
jsoto94 wrote:
If i do get in trouble with the law or something

So far as I know, the worst that can happen if you get sued is that the courts might order you to pay money to the people who are suing you.

However, even if that happens, the amount of money will be based on how much financial damage you caused them. And I'm not sure that you actually cost these people much money.

And if these guys actually go into court and provide proof that they are making money off this private server, that will be something that Blizzard's lawyers will be very interested in knowing about.

I suspect that the biggest problem that this will ultimately pose for you is that it will force you to hire a lawyer.

Unfortunately that is still a problem. Lawyers are expensive.

This lawsuit does have the potential of backfiring on them. Instead of just being some minor private server that no one has heard of, they might become infamous. That might make it more likely that Blizzard's legal department will pay attention to them. And it might also draw the attention of other hackers.
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  Selected Answer
Wed 27 Nov, 2013 03:15 am
Well, you can and copyright violation is a serious issue. Get in touch with a lawyer...
0 Replies
Thu 28 Nov, 2013 12:51 am
Of course you can so consult a legal help today.
0 Replies
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 12:32 am
well first of all, you cannot ddos anyone for any reason! that is a severe internet felony whether the site makes money or not for legal or illegal reason it is counted as internet commerce and is not taken lightly, now secondly the website is legal see many of you do not understand copyright law very well so let me give you a brief education.. since most private servers you complete repacked cores that contain no original CODE they are now a separated from blizzards code making it no longer copyright, now images can be claimed but are usually ignored...now 3rd a TOS is not a legal contract or notification and holds no standards and is clearly pointless infact heres an FYI your credit card and phone agreements are not even legally binding if there is no notary then its not legal plain and simple.. now 4th if you ddos someone you are ddos their isp and that means your attacking through overflow other people which means when you get sued by this guy the ISP will join in and help take you down as well, the ISP will work with your ISP to find out when and where you were leased a ip used to initiate an attack, there for hiding is already pointless, your best bet is to scuddle back into the shadows and pray they decide to leave you alone. and i mean pray hard because the ISP is not gonna like knowing both his and your;'s that their resources were being exhausted for malicious conduct. also one more bit of info you also committed another felony by posting his name publicly and claiming him in doing illegal activities is slander which may not be a felony however all crimes committed online are held equally as felonies.. right now your looking at a few hundred k in legal damages and about 7yrs prison if found guilty and charged MIN sentence, sadly this is not real life you really cannot hide like most think you can online even your computers Ethernet card will snitch you out. Further more please do not add to the growing issues of DDOS in todays internet world, other wise your going to end up adding to the fire that is gonna lead into a much more serious internet community for our future generations
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 01:26 am
JeremyKrem wrote:
well first of all, you cannot ddos anyone for any reason! that is a severe internet felony whether the site makes money or not for legal or illegal reason it is counted as internet commerce and is not taken lightly,

I suppose severity is in the eye of the beholder. In the grand scheme of things it seems somewhat minor in my view.

JeremyKrem wrote:
now secondly the website is legal see many of you do not understand copyright law very well so let me give you a brief education.. since most private servers you complete repacked cores that contain no original CODE they are now a separated from blizzards code making it no longer copyright, now images can be claimed but are usually ignored...

These private servers use Blizzard's characters and intellectual property without Blizzard's permission. That is a pretty significant copyright violation.

JeremyKrem wrote:
also one more bit of info you also committed another felony by posting his name publicly


JeremyKrem wrote:
claiming him in doing illegal activities is slander

Not when that private server really is committing the copyright violation that he accuses them of.

JeremyKrem wrote:
all crimes committed online are held equally as felonies..


JeremyKrem wrote:
right now your looking at a few hundred k in legal damages and about 7yrs prison if found guilty and charged MIN sentence,

He is not being charged with any crime to begin with, so is not likely to be found guilty of anything.

He is being sued in civil court, and the worst he will have to do is restore any financial damages that he caused this private server.

It is pretty unlikely that he actually caused them much in the way of financial damages. And if this private server is foolish enough to prove in court that they've been making any money off Blizzard's intellectual property, they will soon be hearing from Blizzard's lawyers.

The poor guy has likely been forced to hire his own lawyer though, to deal with the civil lawsuit. And that lawyer was probably pretty expensive.
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 02:04 am
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Sun 15 Dec, 2013 04:43 am
petty attempt actually wrong again since all code has been changed no in game content is in violation only pictures on the website like i stated... once again yes crimes online are felonies since he ddos that is a crime he can be charged and isp will follow suit.. i suggest before trying to correct someone you first learn on your own next time.

yes slandering someone is a crime in which he did so by posting his full name attached to utter hogwash unless he is found guilty of copyright he cannot claim he is doing so. to add further injury after attempting to go vigilante my guess is this guy was banned for some reason by them and should prolly fill out the internet butthurt report before running around on the internet. also no severity is not in the eyes of the beholder but a factual representation on how the feds view internet crimes on on certain web domains
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 04:45 am
ddos is a growing problem online for businesses sites and ISP it causes physical damage to small machines and pipelines disrupting customers within the isp pipelines even.
Sun 15 Dec, 2013 06:11 am
JeremyKrem wrote:
ddos is a growing problem online for businesses sites and ISP it causes physical damage to small machines and pipelines disrupting customers within the isp pipelines even.

Maybe those ISPs should stop hosting thieves who steal from Blizzard.

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