It seems Abuzz doesn't like my email address and password, so I"m forever locked out!

Yes. Maybe "demise" is not the best description of what's happening there.
Perhaps "decline" would be more appropriate?
(ps ... Love your avatar!)
You offered me a beer and some Scotch, but it's time to break out the champagne - to toast the creators of our new place, and, for me - to say hello to old friends (Phoenix, first person who greeted me in the old pub; ehBeth, first Q I dared answer; Kuvasc first virtual ally in the battle against rampant capitalism).
Would have popped the cork sooner if I'd known how to find you after my first post. . . and let's not be gloating over the decline of Abuzz - that's how we all found each other in the first place. She was a good ship in her time, and a merry one.
Here's to the New Year, and A2K! Pop! Fizzle! Slurp - Sip - Enjoy the tingle!
Tuleni, you are so right! Welcome to A2K. Cheers to ya!
Abuzz has been down since this weekend. I wonder if someone finally pulled the plug.
I agree that the forum had slipped into meanspiritness and anarchy. I am glad to see so many former Abuzzers on this site.
Hello, maggots! Yes, anarchic is the word for Abuzz nowadays. Which is sad, for several reasons. Not the least of which is: What does this tell us about human nature? That left to our own devices, we quickly end up slinging mud (and worse) at each other?
Well, happy new year, anyhow. Bash on regardless!
Thanks D'artagnan,
Yes, I slung a bit of mud in my time - usually in response to Octavian, Heywood, and Agent 0085. However, I am looking to clean up my act for 2003.
I might mention that I found able2know through a Yahoo search on "abuzz." I am sure other Abuzzers will arrive here using the same route.
Welcome Maggots, and Happy New Year. On A2K we debate, discuss, and inform. Mud slinging is not only discouraged, but is verboten!
Hey, if, as you say, you are willing to clean up your act, we are happy to have you here!
Hi, Maggots Ate My Brain and Titus.
Welcome to A2K -- although I just joined a day or so ago, too.
Abuzz is down today and I suspect that it'll be down for New Year's Day.
Jeez, this is getting to be like the Abuzz death watch. Kind of reminds me of an old country & western song: "Mother ain't dead, she's just asleep."
abuzz: i got tears in my ears from laying on my back and crying over you
Hi Phoenix,
I'm glad to see that you are a moderator here. Believe me, I have had my fill of nastiness - it tends to grow on you after a while. I promise to be an upright citizen.
Hi maggots, WELCOME TO A2K. c.i.
Phoenix and Cicirone
I'm glad to be here, but I can't do happy faces!
Abuzz MUST be near the end, we seem to be getting the last few who have looked, but not participated on this site before. Abuzz has been down a couple of times the last few days, It is getting worse and the nasties will be looking for a new home. This could be a busy time for the moderators, whom I sure will keep a sharp eye open, and we should all assist them in ensuring a good clean forum.
Only 2 hours to go here before I start my diet, go jogging and swimming every day, give up drinking, never be late for my appointments.
Though I suppose as other resolutions, they will be broken by next week. [/color]
Happy new year all.
And a happy new year to you, london. Good luck on those resolutions. They sound eminently do-able!