@Frank Apisa,
Quote:That is part of your problem, CM.
yes sir
Quote:You are "telling" others what the REALITY is.
yes, because you told me you were enjoying it.
Quote:And you are pretending nothing anyone else says makes any sense because of the words we use...while explaining why it doesn't make sense using the same words.
i never said nothing anybody says makes sense. it all makes perfect sense to me. i am so sorry you feel this way, and will try my best to make you realise that everything makes sense to me. of course i use words to make sense, i have nothing against words or sense.
Quote:"Your philosophy" is, as I have suggested, half-baked.
in my opinion, i don't have a philosophy. but your suggestion is great, i must be wrong and have a half baked philosophy. i will try to keep baking.
Quote:The main thing "your philosophy" engenders in me is "when does he envision introducing the notion of disciples and priests?"
i feel so sad that you think i have a philosophy and i don't. i don't know anything or care about any disciples or priests, but i am sure you will teach me everything.
Quote:Everything you have introduced in this wordy "philosophy" of yours doesn't amount to as much as the notion attempting to be conveyed with the words "what IS...IS...
the notion attempting to be conveyed with "what is...is..." is a notion that implies the absolute reality of 'what is'. i do not think i have any philosophy, but because you are so great, i will accept your idea. if i have to have a philosophy, it is that 'there is no absolute reality, nor is there NOT an absolute reality.' if you cannot understand this, and how it differs from 'what is..is...', then i will assume that my philosophy is definitely wrong and yours is definitely right, because you are a much greater person than me.
Quote:...and "what IS...is REALITY."
ok sir. i will accept your blind guess about reality, even though you specifically told me to stop blindly guessing about reality. i understand that you think that you are not blindly guessing, but you KNOW a reality that you experience and you KNOW that is the ultimate reality which can never be questioned. i realise that your KNOWLEDGE of this is far beyond anything i could possibly think about, so i will trust you. thanks again frank.
Quote:Olivier has fallen into the trap of haggling over the specifics. He'll never make a dent that way...even though he clearly sees the deficiencies of your thoughts on this issue.
olivier is making many more dents into the possibility of non-existence than you are. he is able to grasp many more of my 'deluded' concepts than you. but of course, you are the great frank, who knows the ultimate reality is 'what is is'. so you wouldn't want to make dents into what 'is not'. 'what is' is enough for you.
Quote:Better to deal with the macro-concept...and the way you treat your thesis. That says more about the concepts than trying to work through your defenses.
no idea what macro concept, what thesis, what concepts, or what defences you are talking about. but of course, you are the great frank, so i will 'add it to my meditations list'. hope you can realise what i mean by that.