morality, drugs, existence

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 03:54 pm
We can't !
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 03:57 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Sorry to hear about your medical problem Frank.

We have discussed this point before, yet your answer is the epitome of your naive realism. We discussed reasons for accepting the heliocentric model, and I thought you understood that it is well known amongst scientists that it is entirely a matter of functional simplicity and elegance. Clearly you didn't. The irony in your case is that what you think you "know" is merely a "belief". Wink
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 04:33 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yes one of the Titanic's 4 funnels was a dummy just for show to make the ship "look more impressive"

PS- maybe the bad karma of having an unholy "vanity funnel" made the universe get angry and engineer her sinking as punishment?
Oops did I just lapse into an "abstract reality" speculation?
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 04:41 pm
The funny thing about idealists and rationalists is that they fail to see whenever they refer to an "I" they are speculating just as much as any empiricist and based on the same problem...the same could be applied to the attempted definition of what Conscious will implies regarding decision making...awareness is a far more reasonable and humble account of phenomena. The very idea of "construction" is based on social speculation.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 05:00 pm
fresco wrote:

Sorry to hear about your medical problem Frank.

We have discussed this point before, yet your answer is the epitome of your naive realism. We discussed reasons for accepting the heliocentric model, and I thought you understood that it is well known amongst scientists that it is entirely a matter of functional simplicity and elegance. Clearly you didn't. The irony in your case is that what you think you "know" is merely a "belief". Wink

I do not do "beliefs", Fresco...and I do not accept things simply because you assert them.

Did you actually mean the heliocentric model???

Are you telling me that scientists accept the heliocentric model because of its "functional simplicity and elegance?"

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 05:03 pm
For those interested in the status of heliocentricity I quote the last sections of the Wiki article on the history of the model.
Even if the discussion is limited to the solar system, the Sun is not at the geometric center of any planet's orbit, but rather approximately at one focus of the elliptical orbit. Furthermore, to the extent that a planet's mass cannot be neglected in comparison to the Sun's mass, the center of gravity of the solar system is displaced slightly away from the center of the Sun.[73] (The masses of the planets, mostly Jupiter, amount to 0.14% of that of the Sun.) Therefore a hypothetical astronomer on an extrasolar planet would observe a small "wobble" in the Sun's motion.

In modern calculations the terms "geocentric" and "heliocentric" are often used to refer to reference frames. In such systems the origin in the center of mass of the Earth, of the Earth–Moon system, of the Sun, of the Sun plus the major planets, or of the entire solar system can be selected; see center-of-mass frame. This leads to such terms as "heliocentric velocity" and "heliocentric angular momentum". In this heliocentric picture, any planet of the Solar System can be used as a source of mechanical energy because it moves relatively to the Sun. A smaller body (either artificial or natural) may gain heliocentric velocity due to gravity assist – this effect can change the body's mechanical energy in heliocentric reference frame (although it will not changed in the planetary one). However, such selection of "geocentric" or "heliocentric" frames is merely a matter of computation. It does not have philosophical implications and does not constitute a distinct physical or scientific model. From the point of view of General Relativity, inertial reference frames do not exist at all, and any practical reference frame is only an approximation to the actual space-time, which can have higher or lower precision.

(Emphasis mine)
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 05:14 pm
Just a point about your use of the word "actually". It tends to conflict with your (and my) concept of "reality" as experiential.

This is not the only such conflict that arises as a consequence of dressing thoughts into words. Another similar conflict is that which arises when I'm trying to contrast the notion of mind-independent reality to experiential reality. It doesn't seem possible to speak about it without at least temporarily speaking of reality as if it were mind-independent, even if you were in it to argue against it.

In short, facts are functional statements about what suffices to be the case.

We are not quite there yet. I am still trying to get Frank to realize that facts are statements, though I have used the word 'descriptions'. He seems to make no distinction between what can be said about something and the thing itself.

Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 05:45 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If you want to keep going down that "description" road...do it. But doing so is not going to change the FACT that what IS...IS. And "what IS" IS the REALITY.

Can you park that notion for 2 seconds. In fact, why don't you stow it completely. It's not like I didn't hear you the first six thousand times you said it.

Once and for all, I have not disputed that that what IS...IS. And "what IS" IS the REALITY.

So from now on, whenever you feel the urge to type those words, or anything to that effect, remind yourself that I know this, and it is not being contested by me.

A fact is a component of REALITY.

Yes. Components that are similar to other components like lies and assumptions. But if you insist that the sun, for instance, is a fact, you are using imprecise language. A fact is something that can be looked up online or in a book, or stored in your mind. The sun is an object we have facts about.

A fact is something that actually IS.

I agree. We can find many facts in books and online. Most of us know many facts as well.

REALITY is the totality of what IS.

Awkward, Frank. Me sitting here now at this computer is REALITY, but it is not the totality of what IS.

Think about it, Frank. Facts are information. Reality is what information classified as fact is about.

You can insist on your way, but that is nothing more than dumbing it down, making your language and thinking less precise.

Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 05:56 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,

Note please, a fact is a claim which happens to be true, independently on whether we know it with full certainty to be true.

If this is the case, what kind of magic do you propose we should use to discover which claims are fact and which are not?

To which you reply:
We can't !

To what purpose, if I may ask, do you have the two words FACT and FICTION? According to you we can't distinguish between the two... Why not just one word?
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 06:40 pm
I can be certain of some facts namely that some things that I experience do not refer to what I assume they referred to in the first place, although I can't be certain to what they ultimately will refer. I can sometimes be certain of my mistakes when I misperceive something and realise I misperceived it. Falsification does not need to tell you what something is but rather let you know what something is not.
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 07:15 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 07:33 pm
there are no facts, just like there is no truth or reality. all these words only exist because of the presumption of an ultimate reality.

look at frank's argument. he says that we used to think wrong things about the earth and sun. but now we know the 'facts' about them. utter garbage. the fact that an earth and sun exists is self defined by humans. the entire universe is self defined, and therefore all facts are self defined.

frank and fil keep referring to the fact being the 'actual truth', because they cannot conceive of 'nothingness', 'no truth', or 'no facts'.

frank is dead certain that 'ultimate reality' is something that humans cannot know. but all human 'knowledge' is just belief without opposition. once opposition comes, it becomes belief as opposed to knowledge. so at the moment, there is no opposition to frank's belief that 'there is an ultimate reality'. there is plenty of opposition coming from this thread, but frank's ego is too large to let any of it through.

the entirety of frank's argument against 'there is no truth', is that a verbal paradox exists in it. if there is no truth, then at least that one statement becomes impossibly paradoxical, therefore, there must be a truth.

this is flawed logic, because if there really was no truth, then a statement would not be able to have the characteristics of being true or false. therefore paradoxes do not arise.

Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:04 pm
The late Sir Patrick Moore hosted BBC TV's "The Sky at Night" astronomy prog for 56 years; I only watched it now and again myself because stars and planets and stuff bore me, but I remember he once closed one show by saying something that made me sit up, he said-
"I sometimes get letters from viewers asking me what I think about the universe's existence, to which I reply 'Does it exist?' Goodnight"

He didn't elaborate in following shows, so i still don't know whether he was hinting that the universe might be an illusion or whatever.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:06 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I disagree with you completely on that...as have several others here. A "fact" is something that truly exists or happens : something that has actual existence...WHETHER WE CAN PROVE OR DEMONSTRATE THAT IT EXISTS. It IS...whatever actually IS.

nothing truly exists or happens. nothing has actual existence. proving and demonstrating things only makes facts and truths appear to exist. nothing actually is.
Well...you may think that, but I see no reason to suppose the only "facts" are those things which we humans can demonstrate are facts. Fact is...there may be many "facts" that are completely beyond our abilities.

you live from a belief system. you see no reason to 'suppose' facts must be demonstrable. but you don't need to suppose anything. but you do decide to 'suppose' that facts, truth and reality definitely exist, without question.
No you are not. You are engaging in speculating...or hypothesizing...or supposing...or conjecturing...or ...well, you get the picture.

so is every human whenever they say anything.
Yeah...Ptolemy did that at one point in our history. He wanted to make as few assumptions as possible...and he ended up putting the Earth at the center of the universe and at the center of existence.

He was wrong. The FACT is that the Earth is not even at the center of our solar system.

this only proves there are no facts. you are just naively sticking to the apparent 'facts' of current scientific knowledge. they will all be proven wrong in time, giving rise to a million new apparent 'facts and knowledge'.
We know what we experience...and that MAY BE a part of REALITY. It may not even be that! But that does not make it the REALITY. It only makes it the part of REALITY that we are able to experience.

if you fully 'know what you experience', you would be at the same conclusion as me: 'no reality'. because you are still speculating about reality, it means you do not fully 'know what you experience'.

you are the one that attaches 'reality' to 'what you experience'. if you actually look into it, you see that it has no absolute reality. but nobody looks into it because it is too obvious. the experience of self is so intimately 'what we are', that we don't question it completely, instead we question everything else. we question everything that we are aware OF, but not the awareness itself.

Perhaps. But I still maintain that I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence...and I suspect you don't either. For either of us (assuming there is a Cyracuz and a Frank) to exclude anything from being part of REALITY (except for definitionally inconsistent things like a square circle) ...is inappropriate.

you are excluding your own experience. in your own experience right now is the solution to the question of reality. if you pay enough attention to your own experience, the fact that there are no facts becomes apparent.

your own experience is not a fact. you have no control over it, ever, the illusion of control comes from being aware of verbal thoughts in time, and noticing the coordination of these verbal thoughts with body action. then you assume the identity of the 'thinker', and believe that you are in control of your actions. but thoughts occur involuntarily to the 'thinker', and actions also follow these involuntarily. the idea of voluntary vs involuntary action only exists because of the flawed concept of individual thought, which does not exist.

thought is always an appearance in consciousness, occurring as part of an involuntary process of reaction to various stimuli. the idea that reality exists, facts exist, the universe exists, all come from consciousness and thought.

this is why cyracuz was making the point that we can speculate that reality exists outside 'human experience', but it cannot be called 'fact'.

frank and fil's rebuttals of this argument are simple but flawed; that 'fact' refers to an absolute truth which exists regardless of human consciousness.

this is nothing but the involuntary ideations of the intellect. if it begins to accept the possibility of non-existence, it begins to 'die' or 'lose identity'. therefore, at first, it will always revolt against it, just like frank and fil. but the intellect cannot be controlled, and so once it begins to see its own limited nature, it automatically attracts itself to its own demise.

this is why i said earlier that frank is already beginning to see the compelling evidence that his own mind is the only 'existence'. that's why he said things earlier like "what if my mind is the only thing that exists?" etc. this is the intellect naturally taking its course, figuring things out. the denial of this possibility will last as long as the stubbornness to prevent ego death. after ego death, non duality is born, or apparent again as the only eternal truth. it is apparent as an eternal dance between observer and observed, without the possibility of a resolution as neither are absolute.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:23 pm
I reckon you probably love a state of confusion so you feel free from the grip of logic as you still keep confusing lack of certainty or lack of knowledge with lack of a state of affairs, when I clearly argued against it...so far no counters from you there.
Finally I find it amusing you think you have or made a point from what I just wrote.
That there is no better ground for concepts like "Conscious will", for the "self", or "construct" then the same empirical experience naive realists use to assert the world as separate should be the main point of concern to your own arguments...furthermore "experiencing", needs not equate with awareness and certainly can come in multiple levels from almost zero to infinity. I am certain the Moon "experiences" gravity forces although I don believe for a minute the Moon imagined gravity or debated it with other planets. For all that I know awareness is something you witness unfolding with no true decision making coming from a deciding "you"...you see the funny thing with you is that you allege far more then I do while claiming to know nothing. Cool
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Fil Albuquerque
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:42 pm
Again is quite funny people arguing against all models representing a reality are precisely doing so by establishing one model centred on "Consciousness" and on the "self" or on precisely defining the scope of "experiencing" as if none of those concepts was subject to inquiry. Either if one tries to take these guys seriously one cant help but necessarily smile. It just follows. Laughing
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:52 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Yeh... I don't need to lift a finger to discredit most of what you say. You do that yourself. If one tries to take you seriously and assume that here is actually any real meaning in your words, one can't help but realize that it is not actually a person behind your posts. It's a team of monkeys with keyboards, and an underpaid Asian guy who only speaks mandarin, who runs the monkeys' output through a few dozen languages in google translate before posting the end result.
I mean, it's just obvious.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 08:57 pm
frank and fil's rebuttals of this argument are simple but flawed; that 'fact' refers to an absolute truth which exists regardless of human consciousness.

Yes. It is not so much an argument as a conviction founded in a belief in 'absolute truth'.
Frank insists that he doesn't do beliefs, so he can never admit this, because that would dispel his illusion.
Reply Wed 27 Nov, 2013 09:33 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Again is quite funny people arguing against all models representing a reality are precisely doing so by establishing one model centred on "Consciousness" and on the "self" or on precisely defining the scope of "experiencing" as if none of those concepts was subject to inquiry. Either if one tries to take these guys seriously one cant help but necessarily smile. It just follows.

yes. in order to go beyond reality, you first have to acknowledge what it 'is'. right now, the only reality you know is consciousness. everything you know which is more than just 'consciousness' has come from consciousness, and is therefore secondary to it.

now, who said consciousness is not subject to inquiry?? that is precisely the opposite of what i am saying in this entire thread. if you inquire into consciousness fully and honestly, you have to concede that it is a self-defined, experiential phenomenon over which there is absolutely no control. identification with it creates the illusion of its absolute reality. but the very identification with it is also illusory, as there is ultimately nothing or nobody to identify with.

all ideas about the external universe, scientific knowledge, human concepts, all come from the illusory consciousness trying to seek reality in something. this idea is only shocking to the god fearing one who believes it is too arrogant to believe that there is nothing but the self. but arrogance is also an idea created by the self.
Reply Thu 28 Nov, 2013 01:15 am
Unless this thread is an illusion (in which case we may as well all shut up), there has to be at least an acknowledgement that "we exist" as a communicative community using elements of a common language to discuss our conscious experiences. Fellow nondualists may be united by no such requirement, but as soon as there is an engagement with "others" that axiom holds. I suggest that a lot of the subsequent talking past each other is about what additional axioms operate beyond that minimal one. In particular the dispute about "description" versus "reality" revolves about the nature of language per se. Nondualists have the well argued philosophical fall-back position that language is not representational of an independent external reality and that the concept of "existence" is a product of communicative functionality.

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