Muslim unity against the European law

Thu 31 Oct, 2013 01:36 pm
Very Happy
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Walter Hinteler
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 01:37 pm
Thus says the LORD: A sword, a sword has been sharpened, a sword, a sword has been burnished: To work slaughter has it been sharpened, to flash lightning has it been burnished. (Ezekiel 21:13-22)
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 01:42 pm
Dehumanization is a social process where a person, or a group of people, are bereaved their human dignity by being depicted or treated like animals, monsters, or inanimate objects.

Dehumanization is commonly used in propaganda.

Thu 31 Oct, 2013 01:44 pm
Dehumanization through propaganda
Throughout history, politicians have used propaganda to dehumanize the enemy. By doing this, politicians trick their followers into believing that the enemy deserves to be killed, for they are portrayed in the propaganda as being murderers, rapists, or just plain scum. The result then is that the people are more willing to engage in war against the enemy since they have a firm belief that the enemy should be out-right eliminated.
For example, Hitler was able to gain widespread support for World War II by using the Jewish population as a scapegoat. He used propaganda to make them seem disgusting and different, making them the root of the German people’s troubles (Nazi Propaganda). Which as a result, created greater support from German citizens. Hitler used caricatures that represented Jews having huge noses, skinny, and just plain ugly. Of course, this was not a true representation of the Jewish population. However, when people would see these posters, they associated them with the Jewish community. As this association grew, so did the atmosphere of hate towards the Jews. Violence became more accepted towards Jews and soon came the Nuremberg Race Laws in 1935 which restricted the Jewish population from many normal activities (O’Brien). Then the movement by the Nazis to completely eliminate the Jewish population, by using concentration camps, that the German population was well aware of. All were supported because of the slow progression of using anti-Jewish propaganda that slowly turned the minds of the non-Jewish community into hating the Jews and agreeing with the Nazi regime that they were the root of Germany’s problems.
A modern day example is the dehumanizing of Saddam Hussein. We dubbed him “the new Hitler” after claims in 1988, that he was supposedly gassing his own people (Clark 1). Along with other claims of Saddam’s cruel acts towards his own people, the U.S. population began to view him as a murderer, a womanizer, and just an overall horrible being. One of the main reasons that President Bush gave for invading Iraq was the claim that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (Clark 1).The Bush administration was unable to articulate exactly why we were going to war, being the true reason was the “plans for U.S. domination and exploitation under its New World Order” (Clark 1). So, in demonizing Hussein, they were able to still gain support even without telling the U.S. exactly why we were going to war. Doing so lead the United States into believing that invading Iraq and driving Saddam out of power was the right thing to do. As a result of the U.S. population, being influenced by the demonization of Saddam Hussein through modern propaganda, supported the U.S. invading Iraq February 22, 1991 which became known as the Gulf War. To this day, we are still in Iraq, after a new invasion in 2003, even though Saddam Hussein is now dead.
Why do we dehumanize others? This is an easy answer. To help make it easier to hurt the “enemy”, it gives one a justification for killing, torturing, and hurting those they believe are bad. The theory that we must dehumanize others in order to aggress against them is called moral justification. Looking at moral justification it is seen that with it, “ people can see themselves (or one’s group) as having fought in the name of righteous ideologies or nationalistic imperatives.” (Cehajic-Clancy). It is clear that many people in this situation probably feel much cognitive dissonance. They know hurting people is wrong, but they know that these bad people must pay. So to make their cognitive dissonance disappear, they simply tell themselves that these people are far from human! They are animals who have committed horrible acts against others and deserve to pay. Cognitive dissonance occurs when two thoughts contradict one another. So, “ When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance. In the case of a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior.” (Cognitive Dissonance (L. Festinger) ).
When a leader uses dehumanization of the enemy, their country fall into a mindset of pure hate for the enemy. Thus, the people are far more willing, whether they know all the facts of why their country wishes to go to war, to back up their leaders. Propaganda clearly wins in ensnaring the minds of a population into believing the lies their leaders tell them about their enemy with the use of dehumanization.

"Nazi Propaganda". Holocaust Encyclopedia. October 3, 2009 /wlc/article.php?lang=en&ModuleId=10005274>.

O'Brien, Joseph. "Nazi Racial Legislation: The Nuremberg Laws". Information For
Students. October 3,2009 .

Clark, Ramsey. "Demonize to Colonize". Global research November 29, 2005.

Cehajic-Clancy, Sabina. "Dehumanization of the victims." Puls Demokratije. 30 June 2009. Puls Demokratije, Web. 10 Dec 2009. .

"Cognitive Dissonance (L. Festinger) ." Explorations in Learning & Instruction: The Theory Into Practice Database . Web. 10 Dec 2009
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 01:51 pm
look it is the troll from Amkon. Please don't steal personal information on this forum. Thanks.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:00 pm
coldjoint wrote:
You are a modern bigot and will not acknowledge any view but your own.

Oh, the irony ! ! !

Most likely what is socially acceptable is good enough for you. And your insistence that questioning Islams motives and inspiration is hate
is ridiculous.

Two straw man fallacies in a row! Good work. Like Finn, if you did't make **** up, you'd have nothing to talk about.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:02 pm
Putin cares about as much about god and christianity as he does about passing out cash to the poor on Moscow's streets--which is to say, only if he sees a propaganda advantage in it. As i said before recently, you'd gladly suck the boy's dick.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:03 pm
That is no answer, that is another comment from on high.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:11 pm
Oh yeah, it's an answer, and it's the appropriate answer. You call me a bigot and all you've done since you arrived here is to puke up bigotry and personal slurs. You're a fool if you think that i'm obliged to or will answer straw man accusations. (Of course, i suspect you're a fool for many other reasons.)
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:24 pm
I have posted facts that you deny. And aren't you the one constantly talking about sucking dick?
You are no position to judge anyone. Get over yourself.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:34 pm
You haven't posted a single "fact" that i have denied. Your bullshit blog post citation about Sweden had no factual basis for a claim that Muslims are taking over the country--as it happens, i posted facts from the CIA Factbook page on Sweden which shows that Muslims are an inconsiderable minority in Sweden, and i linked that source. You claimed that the rape rate is high in Sweden because of the Muslims, but provided not a shred of factual evidence for that claim, and i posted factual evidence that the rape rate in Sweden is very likely no higher than elsewhere in Europe--and linked the source.

No i don't "constantly" talk about sucking dick--i only mention it when Gunga Dim starts creamin' in his jeans at the thought of St. Putin.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:42 pm
I really hate when unsourced material is posted as facts - especially, when it's so easy to get it correct, even in English.

Those stupid fanatics from those blogs as well as certain posters here, however, don't want facts. If someone really would have a jota of serious interest - she/he would look up it ... at the source = in France or in Sweden or at least in French or Swedish sources.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 07:56 pm
Those people who are telling the truth about Sweden, the media is not.

Do you think people are making this **** up so you can call them haters?

The police no longer record ethnicity in many European countries just so these facts are hidden. In Norway journalists have a duty not to report unpleasant stories about the negative results of multiculture.

Guidelines for Norwegian Journalists issued by NJL ( Norwegian trade union for Journalists)
Be aware of the language you use. Try to use words and phrases that give an accurate and correct picture of Norwegian society. Avoid using language that creates unnecessary differences among the ethnic groups.

Avoid generalising when writing about immigrants; this will only strengthen negative stereotypes of people of non-Norwegian descent.

When writing about the multicultural society, try to focus on ordinary immigrants and how they experience everyday life in Norway.

Never reveal a person’s religion, ethnicity or cultural background if it’s not absolutely relevant to the case. Be very careful with this information when writing about incidents involving crime.

Always check facts and statistics. Be very careful with statistics that could strengthen negative stereotypes of ethnic minorities.

Feel free to write about negative incidents where immigrants are involved, but avoid angles that will give the entire immigration population a bad name.

Try to find as many sources as possible among the immigrant population. This will give you a wider perspective when writing stories about immigrants.

Try to avoid patriotic rhetoric in sport journalism. This will give room to negative stereotyping of foreigners. Try instead to focus on the contributions of foreigners in Norwegian sports.

Avoid uncritical reports of racial abuse. Always double check information and accusations originating from racist organisations. Always get information that will counter racist propaganda.

Try to stay clear of political rhetoric that will increase immigration phobia and increase hostility towards immigrants. Try to avoid writing stories that will increase hostilities between Norwegians and immigrants.

Try to describe how immigrants experience discrimination, racism and immigration phobia, and try to focus on how these things affect their lives.

Thu 31 Oct, 2013 08:06 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Would you like to discuss their welfare. Do you realize how many Muslims they support totally. It is depriving elder citizens in Sweden a meal.

And did you know in the UK a radical preacher has told Muslims not to work. That the welfare is the money that non Muslims owe them(wait for it)for being Muslim. And the UK pays it gladly and supplies that preacher with about 38,000 pounds a year.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 10:44 pm
I believe they are making a lot of it up, and why is not a matter of any interest to me. Your first blogger cited claimed that Sweden is being taken over by Muslims, and attempted to use birth statistics to back up the claim. The only problem was that the statistics made no reference to Muslims, so it didn't support the claims being made. You have claimed that the high rape rate in Sweden is a product of Muslims immigrants, but you have not provided a shred of evidence. Your latest effort here is typical. You rant about Sweden, and who is telling the truth, and then you post about Norway. Is it any wonder you're not taken seriously around here?
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 10:49 pm
Not too damned many Muslims in Sweden . . .

Islam has, as of 2009, 106,327 officially registered adherents among citizens and residents of Sweden. Other sources set the figure at roughly 450,000 to 500,000, which accounts for around 5% of the total Swedish population, including people who would not really regard themselves as Muslims.

That's from Wikipedia, who cite the U.S. State Department's International Religious Freedom Report, 2009. That's out of just over 9 and a half million people. Man, those Muslim rapists sure must be busy f*ckers--they must be run off their legs!
Walter Hinteler
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 03:05 am
coldjoint wrote:
Would you like to discuss their welfare. Do you realize how many Muslims they support totally. It is depriving elder citizens in Sweden a meal.
Since 1/3 or more of my wife's relatives live in Sweden, I meet them regularly, I have quite a "local view" about the situation.
Which is - not surprisingly - very different to yours.

But you certainly (you are old enough) followed the situation of the US-Americans in Sweden as well ...
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 03:18 am
Another interesting fact about Sweden is their legal definition of rape ....

And by the way: all those figures aren't secret, even not for our Muslim-hater here: Statistiska centralbyrån (SCB) offers them free of charge ...
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 11:44 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Islam is what I object to, you or anyone else is going to tell me or this forum what I hate. Because you haven't a clue.
Muslims are the real victims of Islam. More Muslims have been killed by Muslims than any other group.
And the laws of Sweden are not respected by Muslims so they really do not apply here.
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 11:51 am
Sweden Riots Put Faces to Statistics as Stockholm Burns
By Niklas Magnusson & Johan Carlstrom - 2013-05-27T07:25:54Z

A week of riots in Stockholm has torn a hole in Sweden’s image as a beacon of social harmony.

In Husby, a suburb north of the capital where 60 percent of residents were born outside Sweden and unemployment is twice the national average, youths torched cars, schools and other buildings in a show of anger that has unsettled one of Europe’s richest nations. The riots spread to more than 10 other suburbs in Stockholm.

The article goes on to spout liberal apologetic garbage blaming poverty, not the fact that so many refuse to work and demand more.
How much this this cost the land of harmony? And can they afford to keep this up?
No they can't.


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