What's the chance of Ted Cruz becoming president?

Sat 2 Nov, 2013 11:12 pm
If you hate Israel, you hate Israel.
cicerone imposter
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 04:53 am
Simple minds have simple responses that's void of facts.
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Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:44 am
You have a brilliant gift of observation.
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Sun 3 Nov, 2013 09:31 am
There is little doubt that, with his huge campaign contributions, Adelson has considerable clout in the GOP. But there is no doubt that his main motivation is to fight the unionization of his casinos. It is only as a side note that he throws a bone to Israel now and then. Israel certainly has no control, as you imply, over Adelson.

You refer to a number of references to Adelson's support of Israel, but you fail to even mention the primary motivation behind his huge campaign donations to the GOP.

Your hatred of Israel is palpable. But you ignore the incessant Pal attacks on Israel and the Jews since even before Israel was created. You ignore the Pal persecution of minorities, including Christians, as well as their persecution of women, gays, non-Muslims, et al.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 02:54 pm

Your hatred of Israel is palpable. But you ignore the incessant Pal attacks on Israel and the Jews since even before Israel was created. You ignore the Pal persecution of minorities, including Christians, as well as their persecution of women, gays, non-Muslims, et al.

Happy November 3, Advocate. I cannot state forcefully enough that I do not "HATE" the nation of Israel, but that nation's crippling policies towards the vulnerable and helpless Palestinians; the occupation within the disputed territories, the continued trying to take over completely the WB. Today I read where Israel is going to drill for oil in the WB. If oil is found there then it properly belong to the Palestinian people. I do feel very strongly about this conflict issue between Israelis and the Palestinians as I'm concerned regarding all powerless people who're at the mercy of an uncaring authority; Israel fits this description of a ruthless occupier to a T!

Yes, tis true, Palestinians send rockets continually into Israel to annoy them....the entire world looks on and seemingly doesn't care....I wonder why this is!!? Why the answer is like the white elephant in the middle of the room! if I were a Palestinian I would do everything possible to get the Israelis out of my land. One wonders which is more important to the Israelis, preventing the rockets from streaming into Israel or the continued stealing of Palestinian land? If Israel is so disturbed by incoming rockets maybe they should consider their behavior towards the Palestinians and QUIT the building of new settlements. The Palestinians are without an army and unable to defend themselves from the onslaught of the Israel government's powerful military. Palestine is Arab land, every bit of it before greedy modern Israel came into existence. Israel is approximately the side of New Jersey; at the beginning of the state, the Irgun Gang had already ran the majority of Pals out of their homes, an area which is now referred to as modern Israel. The Israelis make no pretense they want the entire shebang and inch by inch they're doing just this.

There can be no empathy from me towards the Israeli governmental policies that has paralyzed the US into doing as little as possible for fear of losing AIPAC contributions of millions towards election and reelection campaigns. Our congress regarding the conflict in Israel is thoroughly useless and the only thing they pay homage to is money!
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 03:26 pm
You ignore the Pal persecution of minorities, including Christians, as well as their persecution of women, gays, non-Muslims, et al.

Please point out to me how the powerless Palestinians are persecuting minorities of which they are one, Advocate? There has always been suspicion between varying religions but 2000 years ago they tended to respect each other's space. Gays, Transgender, etc is a cultural taboo among most Middle East and African nations. Heck, one see gay couples frowned upon in America, especially in the deep south, the Bible Belt, and among those who do not believe in Global warming, most especially among the very ignorant who're unaware Human Nature is quite diverse and is sometimes complicated. These are everyday problems that exist within our society. The way I see it we got rid of Apartheid in South Africa and we can, eventually, stop the hand of Israelis. The Palestinians has finally won implicit U.N. recognition of sovereign state. The world has not forgotten about the Palestinians and neither will I.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 03:47 pm
Don't waste your time with Advocate. He's a nasty racist.

This is what far right wing Pamela Rosa said on her white victims of black crime thread.

I'm not racist.
I'm a speciesist.


You can't get clearer evidence than that shat she believes some people are subhuman.

This is what Advocate said about her shortly afterwards on the same thread.

She provides an important service to readers. I am afraid that you are merely a slave to PC.


That's not the only occasion he sucked up to her, there's lots more on that thread, if you've got the stomach for it.

You've been giving Advocate the benefit of the doubt for too long.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 04:09 pm
Don't waste your time with Advocate. He's a nasty racist.

Our species is a strange one, imo. All of us to one degree or another tend to house negative stereotypes about others. Each of us possess a dark side as well as the positive. As long as a poster is civil and not incendiary towards me personally, or insult those posters I'm particularly fond of, I'm fine, besides, I'm accustomed to being called an anti-Semite and accused of hating Israel because of my fiery posts against that nation's policies which tend to provoke. If my emotional equilibrium is ever unbalanced by Advocate I will say goodbye to him in a heartbeat.

Thanks for the tip, Izzy; I'll keep it in mind.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 04:13 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Yes silly.

Because liberal politicians have no political reason to loudly declare that they are liberal, there are no liberal politicians.

That's, at best, silly.

Whether or not they choose to self-identify as liberals, if they walk like a liberal and quack like a liberal...

Get it now?

Frank Apisa wrote:

Yup. If they do not agree with the political philosophy of the right (mostly the extreme right)...they are liberals.

No matter what...you conservatives seem to outnumber them and have by far the richer pickings. Yet they seem to be such a problem for you. And you guys are always moaning and groaning about what they are doing.

Sorta like the Super Bowl champs playing a small high school team and complaining about the tactics the high school team uses.

Do you get that?

So in your strange world Frank, there are no liberals, only people who disagree with right-wing extremists.

And still you insist that because there aren't hundreds of thousands of people wearing "I Am A Liberal!" signs around their necks there are no liberals (Nevermind that I have yet to see anyone wearing a "I Am An Extreme Right Winger!" sign)

Yours is a truly foolish argument, but hang on to it Frank. Maybe the conservative movement in America will take heed and stop calling themselves conservative and thereby elimnate any and all ability of liberals, like you, to rail against them.

Finn dAbuzz
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 04:15 pm
Advocate wrote:

Didn't they say that about tricky Dick and GWB?

Well, this was surely said about Obama and Jimmy Carter.

If they could somehow be elected, anyone can.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 05:03 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Yes silly.

Because liberal politicians have no political reason to loudly declare that they are liberal, there are no liberal politicians.

That's, at best, silly.

Whether or not they choose to self-identify as liberals, if they walk like a liberal and quack like a liberal...

Get it now?

Frank Apisa wrote:

Yup. If they do not agree with the political philosophy of the right (mostly the extreme right)...they are liberals.

No matter what...you conservatives seem to outnumber them and have by far the richer pickings. Yet they seem to be such a problem for you. And you guys are always moaning and groaning about what they are doing.

Sorta like the Super Bowl champs playing a small high school team and complaining about the tactics the high school team uses.

Do you get that?

So in your strange world Frank, there are no liberals, only people who disagree with right-wing extremists.

And still you insist that because there aren't hundreds of thousands of people wearing "I Am A Liberal!" signs around their necks there are no liberals (Nevermind that I have yet to see anyone wearing a "I Am An Extreme Right Winger!" sign)

Yours is a truly foolish argument, but hang on to it Frank. Maybe the conservative movement in America will take heed and stop calling themselves conservative and thereby elimnate any and all ability of liberals, like you, to rail against them.

Learn to read, Finn.

At no point did I say there are no liberals.

I think conservatives greatly outnumber liberals in America. I think most surveys and polls bear me out.

What you are doing here is making stuff up; pretending it is what I said...and then saying that it is stupid.

That never works.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 05:15 pm
This is what far right wing Pamela Rosa said on her white victims of black crime thread.

Oh, and Izzy, I tend to deliberately abstain from seemingly diehard hate threads. I simply don't like feeding the beast and it's a waste of precious time going around in circles because the poster's hatred is too mentally embedded. There is little good to be gleaned from attempting to communicate with an insufferably whining racist.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 05:29 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:
Oh, and Izzy, I tend to deliberately abstain from seemingly diehard hate threads. I simply don't like feeding the beast and it's a waste of precious time going around in circles because the poster's hatred is too mentally embedded. There is little good to be gleaned from attempting to communicate with an insufferably whining racist.

Agreed, but if someone does post on one of those type of threads, and does anything other than confront the hate monger it says a great deal about them.

Advocate didn't, at one point he admonished one of the detractors for having the temerity to post a white perpetrator of crime with a black victim. Don't take my word for it, if you follow the link, and go back a few pages you can read Advocate's comments. Then you can decide for yourself whether or not you think he's a racist.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:09 pm

Advocate didn't, at one point he admonished one of the detractors for having the temerity to post a white perpetrator of crime with a black victim. Don't take my word for it, if you follow the link, and go back a few pages you can read Advocate's comments. Then you can decide for yourself whether or not you think he's a racist.

Hey, I hear you, loud and clear. Let me try and explain to you that Advocate's thoughts or words on a hate thread is absolutely inconsequential to me; I get satisfaction responding to him....pouncing on his defense of Israel and leaving him wanting....acknowledging Advocate's posts allow me to relieve some of the inner tension I feel regarding the Zionist's hard line against the Palestinians..
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:18 pm
Moment-in-Time wrote:

This is what far right wing Pamela Rosa said on her white victims of black crime thread.

Oh, and Izzy, I tend to deliberately abstain from seemingly diehard hate threads. I simply don't like feeding the beast and it's a waste of precious time going around in circles because the poster's hatred is too mentally embedded. There is little good to be gleaned from attempting to communicate with an insufferably whining racist.

Your statement is pretty amusing considering your diehard hatred of Israel and the Jews. Interestingly, Izzy is equally anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. Moreover, you frequently post statements, almost always distorted, that reflect your hatred.

BTW, the site to which Izzy refers is fully documented with links, photos, etc. There no doubt a tremendous problem with black-on-white crime, and black racism. Pity the poor white male who goes to prison. Unless he immediately joins a white gang for protection, he will quickly be attacked and, most likely, raped by blacks. It is also documented that a white woman married to a black is 12 times more likely to be murdered by her spouse.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:23 pm
I like a good argument as well as the next man, and like you I'm very passionate about justice for Palestine. That has resulted in me being called an anti-Semite more times than I'd care to mention. They claim to be the voice against hate, and accuse us of being the ones with a problem, not motivated by a desire for justice, but by a hatred of Jews.

Now it's very easy to show dull-witted bigots like Oralboy and Coldjoint for what they are. Advocate is something else, he likes to give the impression that on all things, saving Israel, he is liberal and progressive. Therefore, when it comes to Israel his is the voice of reason, untarnished by hate. His comments on Pamela Rosa's thread show him for the racist I always knew he was, and invalidates everything he says about Israel/Palestine. We shouldn't let him forget that.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:32 pm
You've lost it. You're a racist pure and simple. Anyone can see that if they look at your comments on Pamela Rosa's thread. I've posted links that show you for the racist you are.

You claim I'm an anti-Semite, so prove it. Provide a link where I've said something detrimental about Jews, as opposed to objecting about the disgraceful treatment of the Palestinians by the Israeli government.

Here's you being your racist self.

vickyxxx wrote:
two of the white girls i work with at the chicken plant in Alabama have blacks boyfriend that also works at the chicken plant. will they end up dead too?


Advocate wrote:
I would not sell life insurance to those girls.

Why wouldn't you sell life insurance to a white girl with a black boyfriend?

Try answering that without appearing racist.
0 Replies
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 06:57 pm

Your statement is pretty amusing considering your diehard hatred of Israel and the Jews. Interestingly, Izzy is equally anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. Moreover, you frequently post statements, almost always distorted, that reflect your hatred.

You are overly sensitive regarding harsh criticism against Israel. Too bad! I do not intend to let up!

BTW, the site to which Izzy refers is fully documented with links, photos, etc. There no doubt a tremendous problem with black-on-white crime, and black racism. Pity the poor white male who goes to prison. Unless he immediately joins a white gang for protection, he will quickly be attacked and, most likely, raped by blacks. It is also documented that a white woman married to a black is 12 times more likely to be murdered by her spouse.

I did not intend you to bring your racist garbage to this thread, Advocate. You sound like an inexperienced dabbler on the racism theme. In my personal opinion, you don't have the intellectual gravatas to lecture me on statistics regarding race relations in this country. You are limited by your inane response regarding relations between different ethnic groups. Now I would not advise you to come this way again with your profound ignorance....I simply do not have the tolerance for such.

As for my criticism of Israel, if you were not so thin-skinned you might be able to see I speak the truth.

Have a good evening.
Sun 3 Nov, 2013 08:05 pm
You are overly sensitive regarding harsh criticism against the USA. ... . As for my criticism of the US, if you were not so thin-skinned you might be able to see I provide the truth.
cicerone imposter
Mon 4 Nov, 2013 12:29 am
It's rather sad that the likes of advocate can only call us names in place of facts and evidence.
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