What's the chance of Ted Cruz becoming president?

Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:00 pm
Ted Cruz and Rand Paul! What a ticket! With names like that, they have to be good.

Now what's in a name, Advocate? It's the human waste and action of these two overly zealous political male donkeys that repulse me to no end.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 05:25 pm
In the eyes of the Dems, that would be a wonderful ticket. At Halloween, the ticket has nightmarish qualities.

I was sleepy when I wrote the post, trying to make it a takeoff on the Smucker's commercial.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 05:29 pm
coldjoint wrote:

There is a lot of time until 2016. Clinton could be a curse for the Democrats if her responsibility in Benghazi is revealed. And if the responsibility lies in her lap she is doomed.

Obama has made the Democrats liars. And Hillary has lied about the video that supposedly caused Benghazi. The disregard the party has shown and contempt of the average working citizen should be hammered home.

Benghazi is a nothing burger that will not hurt Hillary one bit.

Compare that incident to Reagan taking sides in Lebanon's civil war, which led to the slaughter of over 240 Marines packed in together in a single building.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 06:37 pm
In the eyes of the Dems, that would be a wonderful ticket. At Halloween, the ticket has nightmarish qualities.

Ah yes! A Ted Cruz/Rand Paul ticket would be the most ideal one....PERFECTION!...A gift from the Gods!!! Also, what an apt description "Halloween....nightmarish qualities"!!! The tea party is such an aberration to the average American that the word FREAKISH comes to mind.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 06:56 pm
The longer the health care problems last the stronger Cruz will be in a future campaign.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 07:24 pm
I'm afraid you are right. In this era of instant gratification people don't understand all the problems. Plus, they want healthcare for free. Our politicians spend ALL their time making the other guy look bad and no time on productive solutions.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 08:17 pm
My free healthcare costs me and my wife about $16,000 a year on a $45,000 income. My income was much better until Bush improved our economy.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 08:33 pm
In this era of instant gratification people don't understand all the problems.

True. I have no doubt the software problem the *Affordable Health Care Act* is experiencing will be resolved. It's just that right now the GOP's focus is the apparent weakness of a broken system and their deep-rooted need to criticize a law they were unable to prevent that will soon benefit many uninsured poor and middle class Americans.

Ted Cruz is a thorn in the side of the GOP and a stroke of good luck for the Dems. I wish I could say soon Cruz will be irrelevant, but he still has the power to filibuster nominations and make a lot of trouble but I don't believe he will pull another stunt like shut down the government; the Republicans have suffered an enormous setback amid staggering low poll numbers, that the possibility the Dems might take back the House doesn't seem too distant in the future.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 08:39 pm
Bush made sure you lost your job. Obama has made sure you don't get it back.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 08:55 pm
A lot of people I know used to say that it was a good thing to not have one party control both congress and the White House. That way they couldn't do anything bad. Now, with the problems we have and the rate of change, I don't know if doing nothing will work. It's not working now. That, along with money controlling everything, I don't know where we are headed. The financial power brokers don't have a very good track record.
Thu 31 Oct, 2013 09:01 pm
Ted Cruz has zero chance of becoming president.
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 01:05 pm

A lot of people I know used to say that it was a good thing to not have one party control both congress and the White House. That way they couldn't do anything bad. Now, with the problems we have and the rate of change, I don't know if doing nothing will work. It's not working now. That, along with money controlling everything, I don't know where we are headed. The financial power brokers don't have a very good track record.

The prevailing obstructionism existing in congress at this time points to a highly visible defect within one faction of the House of Representatives. The current situation has led to pandemonium sending the US almost off the cliff....it certainly was an emotional roller coaster for many Americans; many would be hurt especially when it comes to the personal stock portfolios and individual retirement accounts; globally we are all connected financially. No need to remind you, Irfrank, US government consist of three branches of government, and I think, for the most part, it's been effective and America has done a fairly decent job. But the emergence of the extremist tea party influencing the GOP agenda has created so much chaos, that the government is really in shambles with a natural resistance from the Dems towards Repubs, making it impossible to get anything constructive done. Of course the Dems' approval rating is not that good either, but the majority of Americans blame Republicans implicitly!

Justice Samuel Alito's decisive ruling to allow political candidates to rake in as much money as possible from outside without having to reveal the source is like a spreading cancer especially among the GOP. Americans should know who is funding their candidates for congressional office, whether GOP or Dems. This enormous amount of cash is a controlling influence within the republican party so that elected congressional persons work for special interest instead of the American people. In many ways it is the American people who're paying the worse price as they're being used as pawns with the growing gap between rich and poor becoming wider and wider.
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 01:28 pm
Justice Samuel Alito's decisive ruling to allow political candidates to rake in as much money as possible from outside without having to reveal the source is like a spreading cancer especially among the GOP. Americans should know who is funding their candidates for congressional office, whether GOP or Dems. This enormous amount of cash is a controlling influence within the republican party so that elected congressional persons work for special interest instead of the American people.

I agree. The change that allowed this money, along with the effectiveness of TV and advertising has had a quick impact.
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 01:37 pm
Didn't they say that about tricky Dick and GWB?
Fri 1 Nov, 2013 01:40 pm
I didn't say that about either Nixon or Bush.

Cruz will never be president. He does a very good job as the face of conservatism though.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 10:35 am

Cruz will never be president. He does a very good job as the face of conservatism though.

I must say I've never seen a political creature quite like Ted Cruz. The Ted cruz faction is so ideologically pure they're out of touch with mainstream American values, ALIENATING the average American. I say to the Cruz design crowd, keep on doing just what you're doing because out of your political incorrectness Dems see a bright light in 2014.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 10:49 am
You keep telling yourself that while other republicans hammer the lies and deceit that is the Democratic party.

And the abject failure of Obamacare.
0 Replies
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 12:20 pm
The change that allowed this money, along with the effectiveness of TV and advertising has had a quick impact.

Yes , in one aspect, and no in some other manner. All the advertising and negative ads did not help the Republicans defeat Obama in 2008 and 2012....and trust me, they tried!!! In many instances negative advertising is only preaching to the choir. Although the huge sums of money is very good for the personal ego of the political candidate. One of the main reasons for large sums of money is for organizational staff, computers, office rents and salaries of staff, and line the pocket of the political candidate.

Sheldon Adelson was a Newt Gingrich funder as well as a Mitt Romney, giving 10 million to the latter; the gambling casino magnate wanted Newt or Romney, whomever won the presidential election, to do favors for Israel and go in and attack Iran.Adelson is the classic example of how *Special Interests* work and how disruptive it can be on American foreign policies.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 03:02 pm
Adelson is an interesting dude. Apparently, he wanted one thing, which was protection from the unionization of his casinos. Presumably, Newt and Mitt promised their help.
Sat 2 Nov, 2013 05:46 pm
Yes, Advocate, Sheldon Aldeson is indeed quite an unusual Billionaire. Below are links to how close he and US politicians are to Israel. Now below is quite a reading list and I certainly do not expect you to read them all; these links, however, support my hypothesis that Romney made a deal with Netanyahu for Sheldon's many millions backing his campaign. The same with Newt Gingrich.

"Sheldon Adelson to Join Romney in Israel - NYTimes.com
www.thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07/25/sheldon-ad... Cached
The Romney campaign invited Sheldon Adelson and other top Jewish supporters traveling from the United States to meet with the candidate and attend a fund ...

"Sheldon Adelson Pressing Mitt Romney To Call For Israeli Spy ...
www.huffingtonpost.com/.../06/sheldon-adelson-mitt-romney... Cached

Casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson, a major contributor to Mitt Romney's election effort, is pressing the Republican nominee to come out for the release of ...
As Romney Tours Israel, Sheldon Adelson Is The Money Behind ...
www.ibtimes.com/romney-tours-israel-sheldon-adelson... Cached
Romney's Israel trip doubled as a way to shore up support among fundraisers who are dissatisfied with President Obama's record on Israel and are betting on ...

"Defending Sheldon Adelson's Support for Mitt Romney ...
blogs.jpost.com/...sheldon-adelsons-support-mitt-romney Cached
In the myopic world of American partisan politics, Democrats are attacking Mitt Romney for daring to take money from Sheldon Adelson, the casino king who ...

"Romney Courts Campaign Donors in Israel - NYTimes.com
[Jul 30, 2012] JERUSALEM — Mitt Romney came to Jerusalem to publicly lock arms with Israel. But privately, he also used the opportunity to raise money and offer top ...

"Sheldon Adelson lures Jewish voters for Romney Israel News ...
www.haaretz.com/.../sheldon-adelson-lures...romney-1.453647 Cached
Sheldon Adelson lures Jewish voters for Romney A campaign by the Republican Jewish Coalition, ... Ahead of Romney’s trip to Britain, Israel and Poland, ...

"Is Israel Mitt Romney’s New Swing State? - The Daily Beast
www.thedailybeast.com/.../is-israel-mitt-romney...state.html Cached
On the eve of Mitt Romney’s trip to Israel, America’s Jewish vote may be in play in ways that it has not been in the past. Traditionally, most Jewish ...
Thomas Friedman, Mitt Romney, and Sheldon Adelson | Jerusalem ...
blogs.jpost.com/...friedman-mitt-romney-and-sheldon-adelson Cached
Latest online news from The Jerusalem Post, the world's top English-language daily newspaper covering Israel, ...

"Mitt Romney, and Sheldon Adelson.
Sheldon Adelson May Stop By Romney Jerusalem Fundraiser - ABC ...
A donor to Romney who helped plan the presumptive GOP nominee’s trip to Israel tells ABC News that Sheldon Adelson will be at his home in Israel and may ...

"Mitt Romney Closes Israeli Fundraiser To Reporters
www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/28/romney-israeli... Cached
TEL AVIV, Israel — U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney plans to raise campaign money in private while in Israel, so what he tells wealthy American ..."

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