What's the chance of Ted Cruz becoming president?

Mon 27 Apr, 2015 06:08 pm
Ok, parados, let's make it straight. Yes, there are evidence that the earth average temperature is up 0.8C since 1880 (barely noticeable). HOWEVER, the reason why, which is most logical explanation for this, is that we just had so call LITTLE ICE AGE. The Little Ice Age is a period between about 1300 and 1870 during which Europe and North America were subjected to much colder winters than during the 20th century. The period can be divided in two phases, the first beginning around 1300 and continuing until the late 1400s.
Furthermore, parados, there is no scientific evidence that the earth will keep warming. In the past 10 years we abserved the temperatures to drop.

That being said, it is absolutely ludicrous to say that humans have anything to do with it in any shape or form.
In translation, basically what your group is saying, is:
"unless you pay us climate change taxes we all gonna die".

And that's my argument here. The elite of few will get incredibly rich beyond any imagination. There will be unprecedented cash flow enriching different organizations.

People like me, who understand the issue, and who can see trough their sneaky planning, are concider the biggest enemy. The whole culture of useful idiots is been created, now calling themself a green activists.
You probably saw the episode of "Five" last year (I think ?),
with O'Reilly as a guest. The moment he dare to mention global warming being hoax, two ladies, that goofy Goldberg and the other one, whatever her name, left the stage as a protest.

Today, presidential contenders denying human involvement in any climate change, are being seen by democrats as those who not fit for any government position.
There's how the whole gang is operating: intimidations, lying,
bullying, fabricating evidence etc.

The Earth will still do whatever it is doing despite anybody's opinion, or involvement, or how much money anyone will make on it.
To you, I can say one thing: you are on the wrong side of the history.

Mon 27 Apr, 2015 06:50 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

I haven't missed it...you simply haven't answered it. You pretend you have...but you haven't.

There is not one right gays have...that you do not also.

Not one.

Be man enough to own up to an error, Andy.

Acknowledge that you were wrong when you asserted they had rights you do not have.

He never will answer it because because there is no answer, he's a one sided nutcracker in need of a good psychologist that's looking for a challenge. Cool
0 Replies
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 07:19 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Ok Frank, I can't believe you making me to do this, but just for you I am right now make a copy of my answers and bring it here, and than let you respond to in. All you had to do though was go to my topic about gays.
But here it is:
 Post: # 5,940,435 
@Frank Apisa,

Frank that's easy. As a matter of fact I've answer that question in a post you must have missed. But instead of looking for it, I'll just answer for you again: gays have an unrepentant right to harass, and aggrevate other citizens as well as businesses, who exercise THEIR constitutional rights. I have stated earlier, that gays can somehow do that with no recourse.

I tell you Frank, mark my words, this gay craze is generating lots of resentment among population, and it will eventually backfire on them with the vangeance. In my opinion, rightly or wrongly, they got what they want. In most states, acept 14, they can now married each other, so they should stay low, sit on their buts, and stop stiring trouble.

Another, very important right gays have that i don't, which I assume did not even cross your mind, is that now they are protected under hate speach law set as presedence few days back. A judge ordered a business owners to pay over $100 k for their employee to say things that gays apaerently didn't like. What you gonna say to this, Frank?
Frank Apisa
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 05:15 am
Throw that crap out, Andy.

You have not listed any rights gays have that you do not have there.

Grow up.

If you are going to assert gays have rights you do not have...be prepared to list them...not just to pretend you have.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 07:47 am
Ok, parados, let's make it straight. Yes, there are evidence that the earth average temperature is up 0.8C since 1880 (barely noticeable).

So you admit the earth is warming? Or are you going to argue that it is cooling?

Furthermore, parados, there is no scientific evidence that the earth will keep warming. In the past 10 years we abserved the temperatures to drop.

ROFLMAO.... I knew you would get to your next idiotic statement.
Please provide evidence of that cooling in the last 10 years. That would be 2005 to 2015. Make sure your evidence is scientific.

You probably saw the episode of "Five" last year (I think ?),
with O'Reilly as a guest. The moment he dare to mention global warming being hoax, two ladies, that goofy Goldberg and the other one, whatever her name, left the stage as a protest.

OMG, "The FIVE" is a show on Fox. Goldberg is not on it. The interesting thing is how you have just said the globe is warming and now claim the warming you admit is happening is a hoax.

I wonder how you keep your head from spinning off.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 01:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Why don't you just concede, Frank, this part of argument at least. You ask for gay rights, and I presented to you, listing two of them. First you pretend you could not find my answer, and now when presence of my answer cannot be ignored anymore, you simply dismiss it.

As a matter of fact those are valid rights granted to gays, that I don't have . Which part of that is not true, according to you?
This is just as black and white as it can be. Even gays themself admitted.
How can you possibly argue obvious facts?
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 01:11 pm
Your answer was quickly shown to be false. Gays do not have rights that you don't have. You were unable to name one that stood up to scrutiny.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 01:18 pm
Well... great so you are familiar with five. You should watch it sometimes, maybe you'd learn something, unlike from view, which I actually had in mind, and mixed up with five Sorry, about that, but you actually did know exactly what I was talking about and I'm impressed. So I'll give you credit for that.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 01:30 pm
But you won't take credit for arguing out of both sides of you mouth? Well, I guess I will have to keep pointing it out then.

You have argued the earth is warming at the same time you are arguing that the earth warming is a hoax. Sorry, either the earth is warming or it isn't. The two are mutually exclusive.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 01:46 pm
As to rest of your answer, parados, you are obviously using very typical left liberals trick, taking out of context bits and pieces of what I said.
That's how you can take a sentence, divided in sections and make each section to have totally different meanings.

Again, to compress my answer into one sentence:
The earth is recovering from 1300 ÷1870 Little Ice Age, therefore the temperatures are 0.8C higher than 130 years ago and considering latest decline of temperature, there is no evidence the Earth will continue to worm any more.

Don't try to dissect the above sentence in order to change the meaning. Take it in it's entirety, please.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 01:55 pm
What latest decline? I asked you for scientific evidence of that and you have not provided any. You specifically claimed the globe has cooled the last 10 years. That is not in evidence. It is simply something you made up. There is NO science backing that statement.

The earth is recovering from 1300 ÷1870 Little Ice Age, therefore the temperatures are 0.8C higher than 130 years ago and considering latest decline of temperature, there is no evidence the Earth will continue to worm any more.
Let's separate your sentence into fragments.

The earth is recovering from 1300 ÷1870 Little Ice Age - Yes, that is true

therefore the temperatures are 0.8C higher than 130 years ago
That is a conclusion without facts. You have presented no evidence that the latest warming is a direct result of the warming from 1300-1870.

and considering latest decline of temperature
Not in evidence, but if the earth is cooling then it would negate your earlier claim that we are warming as a result of coming out of an ice age.

there is no evidence the Earth will continue to worm any more.
There is plenty of evidence that you will continue to worm.

So, let's look at your tricks. You take one statement that is true. You then reach conclusions using that statement but not based on any evidence followed by a statement that is clearly not scientifically true. Hmm.. One fact and a lot of dust unrelated to that fact seems to be your trick. I didn't make your sentence have different sections. You did that by introducing a false conclusion and a lie.

Tue 28 Apr, 2015 02:20 pm
Listen to the news, parados, and I'm not talking MSNBC crap. It's hard to escape arising tendencies out in the media, politics and science world, to start questioning this whole idea about climate change. Every day there is something new, discrediting any attempts to push climate change issue.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 02:26 pm
That is a conclusion without facts. You have presented no evidence that the latest warming is a direct result of the warming from 1300-1870.

Hmm.. ok, so what is the sign of ending an ice age? Wouldn't that be a ....WORMING PERIOD, by any chance?
0 Replies
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 02:52 pm
Your answer was quickly shown to be false. Gays do not have rights that you don't have. You were unable to name one that stood up to scrutiny.

About this subject, parados, I've name it not one but two ( 2), that you and Frank are choosing to ignore. If you don't recognize those as rights, than you answer this question: is any white, hetero- protected under hate speach law, which is exclusion from the first ammendment, and under which gays are now protected? Is this not a right or is it? And if you don't call it right, than what else would you call it? Do you have some other name for it, or you will deny it's existence all together, thus force me to waste my time, and find, and provide you with some materials?
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 03:03 pm
I wonder how you keep your head from spinning off.

Ha ha ha! You are very right parados. It is very very difficult when talking to any leftists. Not to disrespect you in anyway, of course. You are free to be whoever you want to be.
0 Replies
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 03:59 pm
exactly - we all know it is Hillary who is gone win it this time.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 04:59 pm
Who are you?
0 Replies
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 08:41 pm
Why should I listen to the news when I can read scientific papers? Speaking of which, where is your science that shows we haven't had any warming the last 10 years? Do you not have any? I wonder why you think your not having evidence makes me the one that doesn't know what is going on in the world?
0 Replies
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 08:45 pm
Gays are protected under hate speach[sic] law? Really? Perhaps you didn't get the memo but there is no such thing as hate speech law in the US. Where has anyone been prosecuted for hate speech against gays?

It seems you feel you have to make up things that don't exist to show gays have rights you don't have. I guess you have the right to be a complete idiot and you are taking full benefits with that right.
Tue 28 Apr, 2015 10:36 pm
Where has anyone been prosecuted for hate speech against gays?

That's what I just said, watch the news. Science papers, especially liberal pseudoscience will not tell you everything and definitely will not tell you all truth.
Oct. 28, 2009, President Obama signed one U.S. Federal law, a legislation named for two young men who were murdered with hate being at least part of the motivation. The bill, called the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act was the first U.S. Federal hate crime legislation.
Any questions?


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