What's the chance of Ted Cruz becoming president?

Thu 23 Apr, 2015 12:09 pm
I notice you couldn't defend your position where you think one man with no published scientific articles on a subject knows more about a subject than the thousands that have published scientific articles

Considering that was only your interpretation of my position, which is wrong, because I never took this position, and you can't quote me on that,
there is nothing to defend.
Frank Apisa
Thu 23 Apr, 2015 12:38 pm
You were asked earlier...

...what rights do gays have that you do not have.

You have not answered that yet.

Perhaps it is because there are no rights gays have...that you do not have also, right?
0 Replies
Fri 24 Apr, 2015 02:44 pm
Wow. You are denying the facts that are staring you in the face.

It seems you are the one that feels you can intimidate without recourse as you lie to us so boldly.
0 Replies
Fri 24 Apr, 2015 02:46 pm
When you use one man's work as support and ignore the thousands of people that actually published in scientific journals, I can really interpret it no other way.
Sat 25 Apr, 2015 01:30 am
The big problem with your argument, parados, is that you are taking my posts and reshape them to whatever form suit you the best in effort to defame whatever I say and prove your illogical leftist agenda. Here is what kind of bologna you trying to feed me and others here, and your cronie sources design to lie, brainwash people and blow bunch of smoke:

About your "FactCheck.org"



Nothing you presented here so far made any sense, and now I know where you are getting your schooling from.

Sat 25 Apr, 2015 07:02 am
Here is your post andy

There is no science or facts to be found anywhere in it. You claimed this...
Doesn't bother you at all that leading scientists now admitted they were pressured by "some" politicians to tweak their findings and to become part of this global warming fraud?

You used the word "all". When asked for evidence you provided absolutely zero evidence of any scientist saying any such thing. You only provided RW comments on emails from scientists where the RW commentators take thing out of context and assign meanings outside of scientific nomenclature. I asked if you had even read the emails. It's obvious you haven't or you wouldn't have made such ridiculous claims.

Now you are going to present us with RW commentators view on factcheck sites? That doesn't tell us much other than you don't really care about facts. You only care about perceptions. By the way, attacking factcheck by claiming Obama was on the board, doesn't attack it's credibility. It is simply making an argument using a logical fallacy. If you want to attack it's credibility then you need to specifically show where it lied.
Sun 26 Apr, 2015 12:59 pm
Omg, parados you never give up do you. Ok, here is your data, and don't tell me I never provide you with black on white exemple of how paranoia is taking over human consciences. Below you have many quotes of prominent scientists with their names, and all in well recognized and respected editorial.


By the way I have red also one of your leftist propaganda machine article in NRDC.org with questions and answers, clearly teaching bloggers like you how to effectively argue global worming and how to qualify your opposition. No wonder so many people got fooled by being hypnotized by those ridiculous claims.

Speaking of which I'm going to ask you this key question, parados, and let's see how well you can answer that, and if you are able to answer: why do you think it is, that there is always left (democrats, liberals, comunists, and progresives) in this country, and elswere, pushing climate change and other similar agendas leading to massive taxation, and why on the other hand, what you call RW, is more skeptical, and thinking more rationally? I'll leave you with that.
Sun 26 Apr, 2015 06:55 pm
The funny thing about that is nothing in there about actual climate scientists claiming they were forced to tweak findings. What is in there however are several quote mined statements from scientists that have disputed the idiocy put out by Inhofe in that "report." No, it is NOT a well respected article. It is unsupported by many of those quoted who had statements taken out of context.

Can you not provide us actual instances of climate scientists being forced to tweak their data as you claimed? It should be rather simple to do if it had actually happened.
Sun 26 Apr, 2015 09:52 pm
Ok if you insist, parados, I will provide you below with some undeniable data, explaining in details how the whole scam works, names, proves, graphs, etc.



Parados, I do not deny that the earth warms and cools, but that is a natural occurrence that has taken place since the earth was created and will continue as long as the world exists. Taking advantage of such occurrence, even if it does take place, for materialistic gain is just as sleazy as witchcraft is, and only comparable to ancient times when those in power were using eclipses to control the masses.

With so much $ at stake, and so much efforts, lies and manipulations, I can only see how difficult it is to give up.
But I'm afraid you guys bitting a dead horse. Gore and other fraudsters will need to come up with some new scam. Maybe some story about asteroid coming towards the Earth, or some black hole swallowing our solar system.

I suppose I was right about your inability to answer my question in my last post.
Sun 26 Apr, 2015 10:44 pm
You know, parados, for you to understand how deceptive the climate change story is, all you have to do is to use the rule: "follow the money".
Yo will find all your answers fairly quickly, and without my help.
Frank Apisa
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 03:08 am

Let's try again:

You were asked earlier...

...what rights do gays have that you do not have.

You have not answered that yet.

Perhaps it is because there are no rights gays have...that you do not have also, right?
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 07:43 am
Of course the earth warms and cools. Now, do you deny that if one site has a temperature rise of 2 degrees and the other site has a temperature decline of 1 degree that there is an increase in the average of the temperatures at the 2 sites?

Now that you can agree on the math, let's examine your first link. The man uses 3 sites that decline to claim that the other hundreds don't decline. That is clearly a wrong way of dealing with average. Then he ignores that sites are adjusted based on other close sites. Which is it andy? Are they wrong because they don't adjust sites for heat island effect or are they wrong because they do? You complain they don't make adjustments then you complain they do make adjustments. It seems you don't have facts, only complaints about how they do exactly what you complained they don't do.

Your second link seems to be about a madman that has no grasp of facts. The IPCC doesn't do any science. It only collects and examines existing published science.

Who is doing the lying and manipulating here? It seems to be you and your sources.

As to your question, it is nothing but a meaningless red herring when it comes to current global warming. It would be like arguing we couldn't have built the Hoover dam because Pangaea existing in the past.
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 07:45 am
Follow the money? What money is being paid to people that record ice out on lakes? Since we are following the money, let's look at that. Volunteers have been doing that for centuries. Please provide us who is paying them to lie about when the ice goes out.

Who is being paid to record the migration of birds? Amateur bird watchers have been doing that for over a century. You have made an accusation of money so back it up.
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 11:16 am
@Frank Apisa,
You are in the wrong topic Frank. Go back to my original topic about gays, where you ask me the very same question, and I have answer not once but twice this question. You are just keep missing it.
Frank Apisa
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 11:22 am
I haven't missed it...you simply haven't answered it. You pretend you have...but you haven't.

There is not one right gays have...that you do not also.

Not one.

Be man enough to own up to an error, Andy.

Acknowledge that you were wrong when you asserted they had rights you do not have.
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 12:17 pm
Of course the earth warms and cools. Now, do you deny that if one site has a temperature rise of 2 degrees and the other site has a temperature decline of 1 degree that there is an increase in the average of the temperatures at the 2 sites?

Only if that would be the truth, parados, but you are just throwing on the table completely bogus data, lies, and ask me to discuss it as facts. Since About 1880 the average temperatures rise only 0.8C (1.4F), and mainly because the planet was experiencing a mini ice age, so now all is going back to normal.

I do understand that your perception of any attachments I send you will always be negative. I wouldn't expect anything different from you, so let's put that aside. I just hope that despite of what you write, deep in your consciousness, this question mark will build up, which will eventually make you read some more about this, until you will finally start see the real truth trough the fog of deception that left is building up.
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 01:08 pm
Follow the money? What money is being paid to people that record ice out on lakes? Since we are following the money, let's look at that. Volunteers have been doing that for centuries. Please provide us who is paying them to lie about when the ice goes out.

Who is being paid to record the migration of birds? Amateur bird watchers have been doing that for over a century. You have made an accusation of money so back it up.

Do you see what you are doing here parados? Again you are twisting and turning the subject around to make it as much confused as posible. But that definitely will NOT win your argument. Yeah, you can talk like that to some preschool kids but we are adults here parados!!

I clearly see, that you still don't get it, so let me spell it out for you. The big money from the climate change scandal have absolutely nothing to do with your birds, or people measuring anything, nor any climate change promoting entities that in this case playing only role of useful idiots, a mouth piece of those staying behind of this rocket.
Besides scandalous organizations already collecting money on climate change, and individuals who collected billions like All Gore, the real money, and lots of greedy politicians are rubbing their hands, should come in form of carbon tax (and similar) from major corporations. But you think those greedy bustards would stop there.... Oo no!! Now they thinking the ways to tax every individual, every product sold....
Parados, this is the biggest, most massive on global scale rrobbery ever being committed since home existence!!!

You are living in a total denial, in the bubble, not allowing any foreign object (the truth) enter in, scared to disturb the very delicate balance of made-up lies.

In a way, I feel sorry for you parados. I can turn blue on my face showing proof after proof, and that receptor in your brain responsible for analyzing it, and making rational opinion is simply turn off. Nothing can get in.
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 01:15 pm
Sorry, it should be : "... this is the biggest, most massive, on global scale robbery ever committed since human existence.
0 Replies
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 01:52 pm
The earth is warming and that is evidence the earth is NOT warming?

Do you agree that the earth is warming since 1880? Yes or no?
0 Replies
Mon 27 Apr, 2015 01:58 pm
You just posted that the earth is warming. Now you are arguing that I am twisting things?

The simple fact of the matter is that it is not just temperature readings that show the earth is warming. There is plenty of other evidence including the average day of ice out and the date that migrating birds return. You want to ignore that evidence it seems because it doesn't fit your argument that the only evidence is being supplied by paid people. It is your argument that is failing here andy.

Is the earth warming? Yes or no?

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