What's the chance of Ted Cruz becoming president?

Wed 15 Apr, 2015 05:46 pm
So I don't know Rabel, you tell me why democrats are such a liers?!
Wold it be possibly that if they speak what the real truth is about them, they would not get a single vote? I'm just saying...
Wed 15 Apr, 2015 08:04 pm
So I don't know Rabel, you tell me why democrats are such a liers?!

When referring to politicians of both parties they all are misleading at one time or another....they are usually highly skilled at prevaricating.

Wold it be possibly that if they speak what the real truth is about them, they would not get a single vote? I'm just saying...

Your statement immediately above more aptly apply to Republicans who behave like "flat earth deniers," rather than Democrats. The GOP deny climate change; they are against equal rights for the LGBT community. They are out to privatize Social Security, along with Medicare. They have cut food stamps for the very needy. They are out to get rid of "Obamacare" and the list goes on.

The Dems, even though they too have their problems, at least there is a modicum of consideration and commonsense for the middle class and the Dems openly state they want to do something about reducing man's contribution to global warming/climate change. The Republican Party say they don't believe the minimal wage should be raised and one even had the gall to say the minimal wage should be gotten rid of period.

In my personal opinion, the Republican Party is an anathema for the American people. They are so stupidly politician that last year they shut down the government because President Obama would not rescind the Affordable Care Act which at the time was the law of the land. The US lost 24 Billion dollars and for what? NOTHING BUT Stupidity by Ted Cruz reading on the floor "I Like Green Cheese and Ham."Every time the GOP opens its mouth out fly LIES!
Wed 15 Apr, 2015 08:49 pm
So far, Hillary is maintaining her lead at 43% with the Republican candidates poll ratings not over 9% for one candidate, and lower for the other Republican contenders. There doesn't appear to be one Republican candidate for 2016 to date that possess cross-over appeal to main stream America I don't care how much outside money the super billionaires spend on them. The Republican bunch come across as a bunch of clodhopper yahoos. They seem out of touch with reality, not at all in touch with ordinary Americans.

Ted Cruz is the worse of the lot. I don't think his mother would vote for him!
Wed 15 Apr, 2015 11:03 pm
Ted Cruz is the worse of the lot. I don't think his mother would vote for him!

That's very funny. I could not stop laughing. Not true, but comical.
As to the rest... well... nothing new here: democrats good, republicans bad... Just usual leftist blablabla.
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 12:30 am
The GOP deny climate change; they are against equal rights for the LGBT community. They are out to privatize Social Security, along with Medicare. They have cut food stamps for the very needy. They are out to get rid of "Obamacare" and the list goes on.

Well... yeah... and what's wrong that? They absolutely should do all of that.
Straight from the top, climate change? First was global warming, and when that was disproved, now those scam artists going around screaming: "Oo, no no but is changing, the climate is changing " changing to whaat???
"Man made climate change..." my ass!!! This, is reather " man made-up climate change story" and originate from All Gore and his cronies in order to impose "climate taxes" on the industrial world. That is the biggest rocket that human kind ever came up with.
Gays presently are already under protection, and have more rights then you and I (unless you are gay). In most states they can even marry, (which they should not ) so I don't know what you talking about.
Privatization of social security --good idea. Best way to protect it from dem's dirty pows.
Who you referring to as very needy? Those millions of lazy bums sitting home and watching their big screen tv? Or maybe those who selling food stamps for drugs?
Don't get me started on the Obama care. I would say that is the worse thing that happened to this country, worse then prohibition, and it will be repeal as prohibition, with right people in the office.
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 08:10 am
So, you are OK with your lies because you are exactly like a democrat? I guess everyone has to have aspirations of some kind.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 08:26 am
Straight from the top, climate change? First was global warming, and when that was disproved, now those scam artists going around screaming: "Oo, no no but is changing, the climate is changing " changing to whaat???

More lies from you? Climate change is a broader term than global warming because it includes the changes brought about by global warming. Both exist as anyone that bothers to look around them would see.

Please explain the reason for the following if you feel it isn't warming.
Lakes in the northern parts of Europe, Asia, and North America are seeing ice out weeks earlier than 100 years ago. (There are over 600 years of records for some lakes.)
Migrating birds in the northern hemisphere are flying north weeks ahead of when they used to.
Warm weather species in the US are expanding their range north.

Gays presently are already under protection, and have more rights then you and I
I am curious as to what right you think gays have that you do not. Please tell us precisely what right that is. I suspect you can't tell us anything they have that you don't.

Privatization of social security --good idea. Best way to protect it from dem's dirty pows
Actually, it is the GOP that has been the biggest thieves when it comes to Social Security. Reagan would be the prime example. He raised the tax for social security then promptly borrowed every penny the new tax was raising to pay for military spending. The GOP has been very guilty of moving public pension funds to companies that overcharge with fees just because those companies donate to Republicans. Privatization of social security would follow much the same pattern. Profits for corporations while those looking toward retirement getting the shaft.

Who you referring to as very needy? Those millions of lazy bums sitting home and watching their big screen tv? Or maybe those who selling food stamps for drugs?
Hyperbole of the worst sort. This shows you have no understanding of who gets SNAP. There is no such thing as "food stamps" these days. But it seems you live in a world that doesn't exist. Not surprising that you would be so out of touch with reality based on your posts so far.
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 08:30 am
How do you propose a Canadian vote in American elections?
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 09:26 am
ehBeth wrote:

How do you propose a Canadian vote in American elections?

I am absolutely positive the Democratic machine wouldn't let something as simple as not being a citizen impede your right to vote.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 01:35 pm
I did not expect anything better in your answer. For you it's too late. You are allready so saturated with all this BS, dem's propaganda, lies, and brain washing, you can't recognize truth from false anomore. The very reason you hate Reagan so much and fabricate false stories about him because he was able to put dem's in their place. No contest.

Doesn't bother you at all that number of walfare recipients will double since '08? We are virtually supporting millions of young, healthy Americans so they will roam the streets instead of working.

Doesn't bother you at all that leading scientists now admitted they were pressured by "some" politicians to tweak their findings and to become part of this global warming fraud?
Google it. This not just a fraud, it is a super-size -fraud. Imagine the amount of money that will be stolen from every person in the world in form of environmental tax on everything the buy, not mentioning money stolen from every industrial business (and THIS is happening right now) in form of some stupid carbon tax. Do you really think that those who invent this fraud and will benefit from raking trillons, are not going to do absolutely everything in their power to sabotage what they have to, and brainwash who they have to, in order to get what they want. Start reading, but use your logic. Earth had ice ages and warm ages since it's beginning. Our impact on earth changes is absolutely zero to nothing. Human industry is barely little over 100 years old. Are you people crazy!!

About gays rihts. This term shouldn't exist... aren't they supposed to be like everyone else, equal? So why, if you have a small business, you can loose it just by saying anything bad about gays. That is happening now. But no one gives a flap if I get insulted. So... do I have a same rights. The answer is: HELL NO.

Let see what else you saying here... Oo.. well... democrats stilling from SSI, but you say it is republicans. Well you would look at white, and say it is black. What can I tell you ...
How about ocasionaly take time and reed what other side is saying. I'm talking about papers and tv, not me here, I'm not politician. Perhaps you could find some more compelling evidence contradictory to your beliefs.

Thu 16 Apr, 2015 01:49 pm
The very reason you hate Reagan so much and fabricate false stories about him because he was able to put dem's in their place. No contest

Fabricate stories?

Do you deny Reagan oversaw an increase in the tax rate for FICA?
Proof is here:

Do you deny Reagan took the FICA surplus and used it to help pay for government spending in which he increased military spending?

The thing is I didn't make up any facts. They are there for anyone to see. Care to provide your evidence that I fabricated anything?
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 01:51 pm
Doesn't bother you at all that leading scientists now admitted they were pressured by "some" politicians to tweak their findings and to become part of this global warming fraud?

Really? You have evidence to support this outlandish claim?

There are thousands of scientists doing research and papers on global temperatures and the effects of those rises. I would love to see your proof so we know you didn't fabricate your stories.

You will notice I provided links to documents that show I didn't fabricate what I said. I wonder if you can do the same. I doubt it.
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 01:53 pm

About gays rihts. This term shouldn't exist... aren't they supposed to be like everyone else, equal? So why, if you have a small business, you can loose it just by saying anything bad about gays. That is happening now. But no one gives a flap if I get insulted. So... do I have a same rights. The answer is: HELL NO.

You can lose a business by saying bad things about gays? How does that happen? Does the government take it away from you? Once again. Please provide us a link for a specific business where this has happened.

Or are you arguing that customers don't have the same rights as owners in that they can refuse to do business with people they don't like?
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 04:45 pm
Belowe is one of many exemple/prove of the ridiculous histeria going on that you might not be aware of, regarding gays:

The latest opponents of gay marriage to be punished for their religious objections to the practice are the owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton, Indiana.

Matt Welch lays out what happened:

1) Family owners of small-town Indiana pizzeria spend zero time or energy commenting on gay issues.

2) TV reporter from South Bend walks inside the pizzeria to ask the owners what they think of the controversial Religious Restoration Freedom Act. Owner Crystal O'Connor responds, "If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no….We are a Christian establishment." O'Connor also says—actually promises is the characterization here—that the establishment will continue to serve any gay or non-Christian person that walks through their door.

3) The Internet explodes with insults directed at the O'Connor family and its business, including a high school girls golf coach in Indiana who tweets "Who's going to Walkerton, IN to burn down #memoriespizza w me?" Many of the enraged critics assert, inaccurately, that Memories Pizza discriminates against gay customers.

4) In the face of the backlash, the O'Connors close the pizzeria temporarily, and say they may never reopen, and in fact might leave the state. "I don't know if we will reopen, or if we can, if it's safe to reopen," Crystal O'Connor tells The Blaze. "I'm just a little guy who had a little business that I probably don't have anymore," Kevin O'Connor tells the L.A. Times.
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 06:27 pm
Need those guns to defend yourself against the government. Tired old paranoid bullshit. Cool

Presidential candidate Ted Cruz says Americans need guns in case they need to shoot the government

"The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution isn't for just protecting hunting rights, and it's not only to safeguard your right to target practice. It is a Constitutional right to protect your children, your family, your home, our lives, and to serve as the ultimate check against governmental tyranny -- for the protection of liberty," Cruz wrote to supporters in a fundraising email on Thursday, under the subject line "2nd Amendment against tyranny."
This "insurrectionist" argument, as Second Amendment expert and UCLA law professor Adam Winkler calls it, is popular among passionate gun owners and members of the National Rifle Association. But major party candidates for president don't often venture there.

Indeed. Relatively few lawmakers are fans of the notion that our guns exist in case everyday American citizens decide they need to start murdering government officials. It is a theory most popular among lunatics and people on FBI watch lists, though the NRA embrace of this central doctrine of the far-right militia movement has given it new prominence. This speaks, however, more to the retooling of the now fully conspiracy-addled NRA into the overt political arm of that militia movement than it does to any new mainstream embrace of the theory.

Which is why Ted Cruz so far finds himself rather alone on this particular party plank, with other potential presidential candidates wanting nothing to do with it.

Thu 16 Apr, 2015 10:19 pm
Only if you vote Republican would andy31 agree to let you vote. Hell he opposes letting U S citizens vote Democrat.
0 Replies
Thu 16 Apr, 2015 11:59 pm
I am not going to engage in details, reasoning, or technicalities just to prove to you, that whatever Reagan did was very noble, made perfect sence, and was bringing positive results.

Nothing is further from the truth (what you said before) that Reagan was biggest spender and put us in debt. Pure bologna, and lies. And if Reagan would not rebuilt the military and instead keep disarming like Obama is now, you and me wouldn't be talking now. Or we would talk in different language, perhaps Russian.

Of course money was spent for defense because it was needed. What Obama spent money for? Projects like Solara and other fraudsters just because they help him to get elected. Don't even think for a minute people will forget that.
Fri 17 Apr, 2015 01:05 am
You will notice I provided links to documents that show I didn't fabricate what I said. I wonder if you can do the same. I doubt it.

Links you provided are meaningless and not proving anything. Don't blame on Reagan. Democrats are not only dipping in SSI; they are wasting that money for idiotic social programs, expanding government, and their own gains like funding organizations that will help only democratic agenda.

Ok, now here are some links about your " global whatever bs":

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions; (2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and (3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts



Is this enough for you parados?
I can go on, to prove you guys are full of if.
Global warming... climate change ... my ass!
That's a one damn global rocket... what it is.
You guys are making total fools of yourself, and you should be ashamed of what you doing: helping those All Gores and other artists to lineup their pockets. There goes your global warming turning into global scandal.
The only thing I can't comprehend, is how is it possible, that Holywood can be so naive to follow this trend like little poppies.
Fri 17 Apr, 2015 01:52 am
Talk about the most biased, piece of crap headline ever!!!

Ted Cruz, in the piece you posted, said nothing about a need to "shoot the government".

He did however, say why the second amendment was created.

As Voice of America reports, the framers of the Constitution wanted to ensure the protected basic rights, including the right to bear arms, that they enjoyed as Englishmen. In fact, English laws even required that men practice using their firearms should they ever be called to defend the nation.

When the colonists began to rise up against British authority, early American revolutionaries were denied these basic rights, including that to carry firearms. As Aaron Burger writes for the Christian Science Monitor, the Founding Fathers recognized through the success of their Revolution the potential benefits of an armed citizenry in dispelling a distant government

0 Replies
Fri 17 Apr, 2015 08:26 am
So, they didn't lose their business? It seems you think pizza owners have more rights than normal citizens.

Pizza owners express their opinion.
Others express their opinions.
You are upset because others expressed their opinions so therefore you think gays don't have the same rights as Pizza owners.

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